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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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I sat in the back of B Deck last year in the North endzone.

I had no obstructions. In fact, it was like watching a giant widescreen TV.

Couldn't see the main scoreboard, but had TVs to see instant replays and what not.

Really kept me warm during the late Oct./Nov. games.

I did hit my head on the ceiling a couple of times, though :lol:
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texasfight06 said:
I am signing off of BP until Monday due my travel schedule, and come Monday, I will post one more time in response to the game's outcome. I want to thank all of the moderators and posters for running a great forum. I have enjoyed your hospitality and information, and I wish that I could wish you the best of luck on Saturday, but in that respect, I sincerely hope that this game is as close as Vegas is setting the line. I am excited to see Hawk and Ginn, and the rest of your boys live, and I cannot wait to get goosebumps hearing the crowd in the Shoe at night (this game is at night, right? in the Shoe, right? :wink2: ).

I will be in the Shoe, and beforehand I will be tailgating in the RV lot. I cannot wait to see this game, but I am looking forward to the pregame festivities and the dotting of the "i" and so forth almost as much.

I came to this site simply looking for information on the RV lot and Scooter was kind enough to provide said info to me fully and quickly, and now I have posted 100 plus times. Go figure. Here's to being good sports, and good sports fans!

And any other Saturday besides this Saturday for the rest of the year, its :gobucks3: :gobucks4:


for me. Thanks.

See you Saturday...
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Longhorn Al said:
I don't understand why everyone keeps saying Roy isn't playing Saturday. That's obvious. Roy was brought up because y'all were scoffing at Cedric's claim that he had played against better WRs.

Practicing against teammates in practice is not "playing against" them. Get this straight, our WRs are gonna torch your secondary like they did against Kansas State....
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Go Bucks!!!

Texas has no chance...

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Game Day Activity

I am debating what to do on gameday, what is everyones suggestions for people in their late twenties/ young professionals? It's been a bit since a gameday in Columbus. Events, Bars, Parties, Promotions, Resteraunts (in Stadium distance)??????????????
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starBUCKS said:
I am debating what to do on gameday, what is everyones suggestions for people in their late twenties/ young professionals? It's been a bit since a gameday in Columbus. Events, Bars, Parties, Promotions, Resteraunts (in Stadium distance)??????????????

Other options:

The Varsity Club
BP tailgate at the :( Fawcett Center
Texas tailgates in the :biggrin: RV lot
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