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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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schwab said:
Just a final note here, most Texas fans (if not all) have been very knowledgeable, respectful, and courteous. I hope that each and every 'Horn that makes the trip is treated with the same class that each and every Buckeye would hope for in return.

Just wanted to say thanks for the sportsman-like sentiments, and to let y'all know that UT fans will have more than enough room at the BBQ pits and kegs next year when y'all come to town, regardless of the outcome on Saturday :)
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Not saying he wouldn't get annoyed with may or even go off on him, simply stating he would be the man for the job...yes I know we already have a former Buck on the cast but that doesn't mean Spiel isn't qualified for it, just he probably won't get it
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I have never seen one as polished and ready so early in the season.

I agree, but Texas is polished as well. They return all most as much as we do and did not stutter in game one (competition not withstanding).

There are so many positive things about this OSU team that one can hang their hat on - but almost all of those apply to Texas as well.

But the game is here and I take Jimmy over Mack any day.
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Your'e right, I might be getting a little over zealous. I had high hopes for those 90's teams. Especially with Eddie. This team boggles my mind with the "O". The potential is there to be memorable. I believe after last week nobody can go back to early last season to talk about the "O", especially since Trev is gone! I don't think I am going to make it to Saturday night. I am ready to explode now!
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Texas fans ain't taking over...

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