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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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scarletngrey77 said:
tressel fucking lost this game, i have no fucking respect for him anymore, go back to youngstown state where you can play your pussy tressel ball, we shouldve won by 20 today, instead we lost because of his pussy playcalling and decisions.

Tressel didn't drop passes for first downs or in the endzone, he didn't miss tackles, blow a coverage, or miss a field goal. This team had great opportunities tonight and let them slip away.
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buckeyebri said:
I'm at a loss for words after this one...
same here. i couldnt eat before the game and i have lost my appetite. i think i would rather have seen texas win comfortably then to see a half dozen sure td chances our defense gave us just plain wasted. there is no way we should of lost this game our defense played their hearts out and our offense wasnt up to it today. i am gonna puke now
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Come on guys, dont go callin for JT's head. Think what this game woulda been like it Coop was coaching.

That being said, I do believe the conservativism blew this game. 3 turnovers down in their territory, and we get all field goals. Hamby actually lost the damn game with the dropped TD pass. Vince Young is one hell of an athlete. I dont think he throws the ball that well, but well enough. Our secondary (or the coverage schemes) are very weak. No way that guy shoulda had a TD on the last pass. I feel so bad for the linebackers, playing their hearts out for 4 quarters, and the O not scoring points to support them. Same ol' story.
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I'm not losing faith yet. We're still a damn good team. We should learn a lot from this game, but we have to win out. I'm so disappointed, but something inside me has a lot of confidence in this team still. We need to figure out our QB controversy and just play, baby. :oh:
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