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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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backup QBs that put up 16 points when the starter put up a big old ZERO deserve to be on the field. Nothing against Zwick but when Smith is in the team just seems to be more confident and the offense can be more creative. Ginn needs to get the ball though for the O to put up the big points
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Eh, I'm as fair game as anyone.

He just needs to understand that there's a fine line between cheering on Smith, and doing it at the expense of Zwick -- who has done nothing but lead this team effectively in the time Smith was 'unavailable.' He's on the wrong side of that line.

I want to see Troy finish this game out, he is the man right now. But that says *nothing* about Zwick. Just says of two solid QBs, Troy's doing more for the team in a game of monumental importance.

If Troy goes down, Zwick's our man, and we have every reason to believe he'd do a solid job. But yes, I expect to see him on the bench in the 2nd half as well.
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BuckinMichigan said:
I would just like to add that I was not wearing my Ohio State hat until after the second Texas score. OSU then scored 16. I gotta figure out what piece of my Buckeye wardrobe will get touchdowns instead of field goals.

I moved over to sitting in front of the computer and we came back to take the lead... I'll be here the rest of the game :). I told my wife she has to keep reading the magazine she started reading for the rest of the game :)

Is anyone else gettting plastered and having a good time?????? :cheers:
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Well, Ok, my one complaint will be this: I hate the spread offense inside the 10. I've seen it fail way too many times, not just with OSU. I saw it with Akron today and I've seen it with numerous other teams.

Everyone saw the QB draw coming. There's just not room for 4-5 wide down there. I hate that the staff has seemed to forget Pittman. We have a good running back this year, and a great line. How hard is it to line up and run it, even just once down there by the 5 yard line. We needed more points of either one of those TOs.

That's my only complaint though, great adjustments by the D. Hawk is playing huge. I want to see VY's Heisman hopes crumble this half :)

Smith is leading the O. Zwick just gets hit with misfortune again, as 2 of his passes were dropped. Smith capatalizes, though his play can still improve.

Ginn seems to be trying to juke a little too much this year. Most of his sweet runs last year were subtle jukes and just straight speed/hitting the seam. Maybe just not getting the space he had last year. 2 dropped passes also. I'm sure he'll get it together and grab a TD or 2.

And it is STILL great to have an outstanding kicker. Way to go Huston!

Go Bucks!
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BuckinMichigan said:
Those are some of the quickest defensive adjustments I have ever seen OSU make.
I agree. Normally they wait until the 2nd half. Well done. Carp is a fast rush end.

I can't believe Salley wiffed on that last tackle. Nice catch and run by Charles, but Salley should have dropped him 25 yards earlier. He needs to atone for his mistake... like Whitner did last week. :biggrin:
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