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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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BuckinMichigan said:
I would just like to add that I was not wearing my Ohio State hat until after the second Texas score. OSU then scored 16. I gotta figure out what piece of my Buckeye wardrobe will get touchdowns instead of field goals.

I got my Buckeye boxers on, maybe I need to throw the hat on too....
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somefatass said:
No Einstein, you start your best players in the biggest game of the year. The point is, if OSU loses, second guessing the QB decision next week won't do you much good, asstard.

Okay, it's half time, so I'll entertain this and try to reel you in a bit.

You made a few comments in an unfortunate tone and got called out about it. Tough way to start out on a messageboard. So now you're compensating by being "angry internet man." Problem is, you're arguing something that everyone already agrees with you about, they just don't like how you're doing it. You've missed that point.

Be as excited about Smith as you want to be. Be as happy that he's playing as you want. Hey, I'm happy as hell, we ALL are, look at the scoreboard. But don't do it at the expense of another Buckeye, or at least don't do it here.

So this is your 'warning'. Take a time out, go put some juice in your sippy cup, and take a few deep breaths.

Then come back and post.

You'll have two options;

(1) Continue as you're going now.
(2) Focus on the ACTUAL GAME.

Two allows you to live and fight another day. One doesn't.

But here's a guarantee, either way this thread is back on track when the second half kicks off.
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tedginn05 said:
i can't believe that Antonio Smith(#14 on the kickoff earlier) didn't tackle the return man in the endzone when he stepped out, he had two hands on him and just couldn't hold on to him, would have been a safety too

Thank goodness Youboty was there to save the day! Holmes has looked awesome, so much for griffin's comment " I face better in practice @ Texas" :oh:
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tedginn05 said:
i can't believe that Antonio Smith(#14 on the kickoff earlier) didn't tackle the return man in the endzone when he stepped out, he had two hands on him and just couldn't hold on to him, would have been a safety too
I don't think it would have. The returner never broke the plane. Definently a weird play overall though.
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OHSportsFan9 said:
Well, Ok, my one complaint will be this: I hate the spread offense inside the 10. I've seen it fail way too many times, not just with OSU. I saw it with Akron today and I've seen it with numerous other teams.

I agree here 100%. Our tradition is 3 yards and a cloud of dust. (Tips hat to 3yards). This spread inside the 10 just isn't working.

Can I ban fatass? I haven't banned anyone yet here.
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Originally Posted by Buckeyeskickbuttocks
One thing is for sure..........

This is Troy Smith's team.

Couldn't agree more. Like i said before the buckeyes just seem to be more confident with Smith in there. Zwick is a very good QB and would start at the majority of D-1 teams but Smith just has that leadership and ability to make everyone better around him.
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