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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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BrutusBobcat said:
tf06: Thanks for the breakdown on your WRs versus ULL. We didn't get your game here in C-bus, so it's nice to get a read on things from more than just box scores and recaps.

I agree that this could be a defensive struggle -- I think that it's very probable that we see a low scoring game, with the winning team under 20 points. Lots of posters have picked scores like 20-17, and I could see it being a 14-10 type of game, even.

Honestly, what I was most enthused about from the Miami game was Josh Huston's performance. Should OSU win this Saturday, he's probably going to be the difference.

I think our place kickers was just being vanilla and not wanting to show you guys anything special so he didn't want to you show you a consistent trajectory to his XPs and therefore you defense has no way to prepare for the block :wink2:

(I know these are off topic but as the Texas-tOSU game is going to have an impact on the national championship, all games are relevant, that and I don't want to post/read other threads as well.) Watched both games yesterday, and both Ole Miss and FSU were beginnig to give that game away.

And as far as other star punt returners not named Ginn Jr., Hester screwed up on several occasions and looked like shit. Nice of Deion to help him out so much.
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I have mixed feelings about Musberger. On the one hand he is very well prepared and enthusiastic, and he obviously loves OSU. But I find it annoying that he is always front-running. That is, whoever is winning is the most awesome team in the world, until the other team takes the lead and suddenly they're the invincible juggernauts. Keith Jackson in his prime and paired with Bob Griese was a great team. These days I like Brad Nessler although I think Tirico wasn't too bad on Saturday. The Nessler/Griese team is the best but I won't complain too much about Musberger/Danielson. I'll just have to roll my eyes the first time Brent says something like "This Texas team really has some talent", etc.
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Mus had some good ones last night...

"Coach xxxx tried three different sets and neither of them worked"

"Florida State is going to have to do something different if they have any expectables to get this going"

I love the Buckeyes.. he loves the buckeyes... so one can surmise I love Mus :oh:
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The best Texas board is hornfans.com but there is still plenty of flaming going on there. insidetexas.com is probably the most flame resistant of the worthwhile Texas boards, but it has a small fraction of the traffic. Don't waste you time at orangbloods.com, unless you enjoy flame fests.
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Has Vince Young looked at a map?

When asked about going to Ohio State to play the buckeyes:

``I love it,'' Texas quarterback Vince Young. ``We could go down there and make history.''

i know its not really a big deal, but that shit bothers me, down means south damnit! Up is NORTH
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I read it too and thought it sounded odd.

But I wasn't going to start a thread about it.

Were you wearing #81 for Florida State last night? :tongue2:
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iambrutus said:
When asked about going to Ohio State to play the buckeyes:

``I love it,'' Texas quarterback Vince Young. ``We could go down there and make history.''

i know its not really a big deal, but that shit bothers me, down means south damnit! Up is NORTH

I laughed at that when I read it this morning. Texas is going to be screwed when VY ends up in Mexico at game time.
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Ya'll need to understand that down in Texas going "down somewhere" does not imply direction...ie,

"We are going down to the game" is just another way to say, "we are going to upset the nation's media, and ruin tOSU's home night record"

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