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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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slikrick17 said:
Great Pics

in your wildest dreams the score will not be that
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exhawg said:
I laughed at that when I read it this morning. Texas is going to be screwed when VY ends up in Mexico at game time.

I just hope that's not Ron Mexico he 'ends up in' when he's screwed.
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TexasFight1 said:
Ya'll need to understand that down in Texas going "down somewhere" does not imply direction...ie,

"We are going down to the game" is just another way to say, "we are going to upset the nation's media, and ruin tOSU's home night record"


So if I am in Texas and I go "down" on your mom...what does that mean?

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The Michigan fans IMd me and told me that Texas fans can't take a joke

...or understand that being high ranked and the favorite in Vegas means that you are NOT the underdog

...thanks scUMmers and thank you for confirming that, we don't want to be offensive to y'uns
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My bad....

My friends and I are always joking around with mom jokes. I guess it isn't appropriate in this forum. I only meant it as a joke.....like all the homo jokes on this board.

It won't happen again 21. my apologies
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