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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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great1 said:
It's so annoying. Anyone can pick up the names of the other team faster than he can look at his roster paper. "Oh he took quite a licking"

Was he ever a coach or player for a school out west? Did he get beat by OSU at some time? because he's awfully bitter towards us.

it gets on my nerves when he does that damn "Whoaaaa Nellllly"
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tedginn05 said:
both, tressel is gonna put in both, side-by-side, that would be great, have smith stand to the left out of the 'gun and JZ to the right out of the gun and ginn way out to the left side of the field and then have the center snap to JZ who will then run the option to smith who will then reverse for a double option to ted ginn for a td

Please don't start a new thread to discuss something that's been a frequent topic on the board. Find a relevant thread and add your comments to it.
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Tirico kept calling Huston "John Huston" Saturday, once even after they flashed the graphic with Josh's name on the screen...fucking moron. At least he didn't call us the "garnet and grey" again.
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MililaniBuckeye said:
Tirico kept calling Huston "John Huston" Saturday, once even after they flashed the graphic with Josh's name on the screen...fucking moron. At least he didn't call us the "garnet and grey" again.

That was Mark Jones on the garnet-and-gray thing, two weeks in a row last year. Tirico is usually pretty good.

Mark Jones is now paired up with Spielman. In their game a couple days ago, some guy train-wrecked the ball-carrier, and Spiels goes "He Bobby Boucher'ed him!!" It was funny. Now he's another tag-line besides slobber-knocker.
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BrutusBobcat said:
- The Texas WR corps. From the ULL recaps, it sounds like there were some dropped passes and new names. We've been hearing a lot from Horns fans about Jordan Shipley and Quan Cosby, but not so much anymore. A big receiver like Sweed (he's 6'5", right?) is always a good target, but it really doesn't sound like at this point that UT has a cupboard full of downfield threats. I'm sure they'll get some catches, but I expect that Vince Young's big plays will come on the ground and not in the air.

Vince had a couple of great deeper passes to Brian Carter and David Thomas. They held Shipley out as he had a problem w/ his hamstring, so he is unlikely to see much playing time on saturday. Cosby played and caught one pass, the guy is a legitimate burner, and Ramonce saw good time at WR as well. The WRs looked fine, but didn't get a lot of time. Sweed dropped a turn around flare, as he was looking at running upfield before he had the ball, it was totally unacceptable. David Thomas looked as good as last year. We only threw 17 passes. As everyone has said on both sides, this game was worthless, it was a scrimmage. Our defensive line push was outstanding, but it was against a horrible line.

I only watched the first half of tOSU game before they switched over to the OU debacle. You guys looked solid, your D looked outstanding.

This game has the possibility to be a great defensive battle. We'll see how our D does against your offense, but I liked the intensity and speed out of our LBs and DBs.

On a related note, i finally secured a f'n ticket to the game, i cannot wait to watch this game in person.
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I've made predictions before (probably on the Texas thread) but I forget them. I think the first half will be close. 7-7, 10-10, 13-10 - something like that. I don't know who will be winning. But all the points will be from long plays. A long gain by Holmes will set up a touchdown. A long gain by Young will set up a field goal. That kind of stuff. A ton of defense. Both teams will go 3-and-out several times.

Second half will start out looking the same, until about halfway through the third quarter, when Ohio State's depth at receivers finally beats out Texas' defensive backs. Texas' D-Line will become a non-factor, as Zwith (or Smick) completes 5-7 consecutive short passes and OSU marches down the field, and OSU gets a 10+ play, 65+ yard drive for a touchdown, to take the lead by about 7 points. Texas gets a long drive of its own, but only gets a field goal. The teams trade punts a couple of times, when Ohio State catches a break with about 7:00 left in the game (still up by about 7), when they get an interception (nice diving catch by Salley). three minutes later, they score a touchdown. Texas is forced to go for it on fourth down, and fails (Young was SO close to getting it, too). Ohio State gets a field goal to win by about 17. 34-17. Or something like that. The game will be closer than the final score indicates.
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I think Musberger has mentioned the Texas game 4 or 5 times already...I can't wait to hear his call...they are a good team, much better than Fouts/Jackson (especially Fouts...Jackson may not be great, but he still does a decent job if you excuse the alzheimers)
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David Thomas looked good. For the most part, I liked what I saw with Ramonce and Brian Carter at WR. Carter typically shows some good skills in practice and makes some good catches, but never did it in game. He said he and VY worked specifically on getting a crossing pattern down, and sure enough they hit a long one. Reason for optimism.

I've got no idea what they've got planned for Ramonce, although it looks like he'll be seeing a lot of time at WR. They ran two reverses. Even with Greg Davis, it seems like two reverses in one game = setting something up.
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MililaniBuckeye said:
Whew, I was worried for a second that you were no longer your dumbass self. :roll1: "Handled Ginn?" Were you off your meds during that game? And don't even try to equate Taylor with Ginn...
Seriously....you can't compare Taylor to Ginn because it's just not fair. Taylor is better compared to Reggie Bush :slappy:
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