Blowhard Statistician
I don't know where anyone would get the idea that our punter was shaky. McGee has been punting the past two years and has nearly 100 punts to his credit, with only 1 blocked back in 2003. People complain about his average, just under 40 yards, but over half the time he is kicking inside the 20, a tough place to kick for average.2002UNC said:If Tressel see that your punter is shaky I guarantee he will come after him. Any punt kicked in the end zone will get pressue. He will not use two guys if he thinks he can block it.
Everyone harps on the kick coverage last year, but we only gave up 17.6 yards a kick of return the year before, when the same kicker, McGee, was healthy. With McGee healthy now and kicking the best he ever has I expect the average yardage we give up will go back to 2003 levels.