Coaching, Coaching and Coaching
Living in FLorida it is always refreshing to witness some lively debate about a football team that is not FSU, UF or Miami in no certain order as Florida football watchers are very arrogant and myopic regarding their Florida schools that have recently slipped into the relative orbit of "pretty damn good" rather than "great". I think everybody finally picked up on "fast" in the last 7 years or so as being a great equalizer.
It's nice to see Texas fans posting here as Texas is definitely right up there as a state where people know and love their football and I respect and admire that a great deal. I know that whenever I talk to somebody from Texas I'm probably going to bring up football and we're going to be fast-friends.
Last year, having the DirecTV package I studied Texas a little bit in passing all season long, knowing that 2005 was going to be the year of an awesome interconf showdown. I really pulled for Texas all year long as I watched so much that I became a smidge smitten with them. I yelled at Vince for not throwing accurately many times and loved the defense as these guys have as much potential as anybody and showed a lot of heart against Chokelahoma.
What we love talking about is the glitz and glamour positions of QB and WR and Ted Ginn and Vince Young and Santonio Holmes and the Linebackers Carpenter/Hawk et al., but it always always boils down to the frontlines and we Buckeyes suffered last year through the development of our d-line and more specifically of our o-line, and our inability of stopping the seem play against Wisconsin in our standard coverage. By the Michigan matchup The Ohio State lines had finally gotten the lightbulbs to go on above their heads (in unison and weren't the results impressive as we are all still patting ourselves on the back for suffering through NWestern, Iowa (puke, puke, puke) Wisconsin (refs, I hate you) and Purdue and not giving up on them (as if we really have a choice- what am I going to do love my Golden Flashes every enduring minute? forget about that.)). It looks like the Horn's frontlines are returning quite a few letterman up front as well.
Oh, and my point is, that the truth of the matter is that we need to focus our attention on the trenches rather than the glamour because if Vince is slipping by everybody through the cracks and crevices I bet Tressel has a plan C or D in place that involves putting somebody extremely fast in on Defense who likes to tackle and intercept the ball and could hawk VY in a heartbeat if need be (fortunately for folks like me, who love to throw the ball and score lots of TDs he has to play WR). We could refer to that player as our plan "D" equalizer as one of his teammates from his 4x100 National Champion Relay team will be joining the Bucks as a CB this year (just in case the speed conscious Florida Football fans are reading this... last year Glenville (Cleveland) High featured the nations number one and number two- yes nationally- 4 x 100 relay teams if I'm not entirely mistaken (what a pipeline)). Plan "D" is there just in case- but the lines will determine our fortunes.
We're looking good along the lines with some good dominating players returning. How good do Horns fans feel about their lines? If you are counting on some greenies to step up that early in the season then coaching is what is needed and that, from my loose observations, has not been the Horns' real strong suite. No matter how much we love our playmakers and ours and your'n are many, the game is duked out up front with the "BIG UGLIES". I'm confindent in our guys and I'm sufficiently confident that Jimmy T has sped up his learning curve cycle regarding calling plays to his teams strengths.
Night Game?
Loaded with experienced players?
National Audience?
It already feels like the College Super Bowl. I don't see anybody else on the Horns' schedule supplying any other sorts of major challenges. I definitely think this is the year Mack gets that monkeye from the Buckeye State, Bobby Stoops off his back (for this year at least).
I'll be rooting for the Horns all season long, save one weekend in September.
Good luck.