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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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I have read enough smack from Texas fans. Texas better play alot better defense in Columbus than they did in the Rose Bowl. Texas better play a hell of alot better Special Teams. Tressel is gonna out-coach Brown by alot. I don't give a shit what the Texas fans think but the Horseshoe at night is a huge advantage. OSU playing Miami of Ohio(probably the MAC champ this year) and Texas playing La LaFayette is a huge advantage for the Buckeyes.

The B12 has never done shit against the Buckeyes AND THEY ARE NOT GONNA START THIS YEAR. Texas fans think that a R.S. Freshmen(Jordan Shipley) in his first "real" game is gonna torch our secondary need to Wake TFU and smell the coffee. We are gonna pound sand in your one dimensional asses.
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Texas won't need to play much better than in the Rose Bowl. The only important improvements will be eliminating turnovers (we were -2) and preventing long kickoff returns that affected the field position. We could have won by three TDs if we had done those two things.

As to BB73's point about Vince's INTs, I feel that it is not likely that he will have as many INTs this year. Half or the ones last year were due to bad route running by the WRs, and that should be fixed this year. He is also a lot more comfortable in the pocket. In coachspeak "the game has slowed down for him", so expect him to make better decisions in the passing game. These are along the lines of improvements you would expect for many college quarterbacks between their sophomore and junior year. It is probably best not to expect him to throw 2 INTs in any given game, or even expect that turnovers will be anything but neutral.
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These arguements for both sides really do crack me up, Texas fans.. you seem SOOO sure but you have no proven receivers and no proven running backs, how do you know shipley or ramonce wont get fumblitis? How do you expect your defense to replace the leadership of that linebacker of yours? It amazes me that I have seen posters who really believe your offense will be better off without benson, you MUST be kidding right?

As for the other side, we still dont know who our tailback is for sure either, and the fumble thing can go both ways, our wrs are fantastic but we dont even know who will be delivering the ball to them, will it be a redshirt freshman? Although I am confident we will win the special teams battle. Mainly because I have heard no reason other than pure optimism to expect that coverage to really improve that much, and now you are going against someone who is quite likely to break the record he tied last year on punt returns and now he does kickoffs too.

On the downside, I am concerned about the battle between the lines, not that I think ours are bad by any means, but we dont have the rep going in that the current Tejas lines do. On D our linebackers may be able to pick up the slack, but what scares me is who picks up the slack if our Oline cant give the quarterback time to get the ball out to holmes and ginn and gonzales..

thats all.
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xrayrandy said:
"Ted Ginn's 13.40 in the 110m hurdles would tie the Texas state record"

No, Dennis Brantley 13.10.

Oh, and you should really read the thread before accusing me of starting the speed smack. There must be well over 100 mentions by tOSU posters about your players speed preceeding my post. I have also read that crap on numerous posts on Texas boards.
I hate to beat a dead horse, and would really like to get back to football smack, but I'll beat a dead longhorn one last time. Dennis Brantley's 13.1 was in the early 80's, well before Texas used FAT timing in the state meet (1995). His performances isn't even listed on the top 10 list on "texastrack.com".
BTW I have read every post on this thread, and you are the most obnoxious longhorn I've come across.
Your last post is pure genius:
Texas won't need to play much better than in the Rose Bowl. The only important improvements will be eliminating turnovers (we were -2) and preventing long kickoff returns that affected the field position. We could have won by three TDs if we had done those two things.
We don't need to play much better, we just need to improve in two huge areas of the game- turnovers and field position.:smash:
You also could have lost by three TDs if scUM had any speed on their defense and didn't miss a tackle on almost every play.
Take the puke orange colored ass off your head and get a clue.
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xrayrandy said:
Texas won't need to play much better than in the Rose Bowl.

Of all the comments you've made, this is by far the most moronic (well, aside from your comment you have about eight guys on your team as fast or faster than Ginn). :roll1:

I'm telling you right now, if you play exactly like you played in the Rose Bowl, not only will you get beat, you'll get blown out. Our defense, especially linebackers, will not miss tackles on Young like Michigan did. If your coverage teams don't improve by about 10 parsecs, then when we don't return the kick/punt for a TD, we'll be starting our possesions near or past midfield.
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xrayrandy said:
Texas won't need to play much better than in the Rose Bowl. The only important improvements will be eliminating turnovers (we were -2) and preventing long kickoff returns that affected the field position. We could have won by three TDs if we had done those two things.

Answer from 2002:
"I have read enough smack from Texas fans. Texas better play alot better defense in Columbus than they did in the Rose Bowl. Texas better play a hell of alot better Special Teams. Tressel is gonna out-coach Brown by alot. I don't give a shit what the Texas fans think but the Horseshoe at night is a huge advantage. OSU playing Miami of Ohio(probably the MAC champ this year) and Texas playing La LaFayette is a huge advantage for the Buckeyes."

eXray, you must be a scientist because you assert outcomes soley on empirical observations....I assert that the above intangibles will prove your longhorns losers that night.

The night atmosphere at Ohio Stadium will not be easily digested by your team. The adjustment period will be all we need. Jim T. is a better coach in big games than most, and he will prove to be steady.

Speed. Yeesh. Schemes. Well, I think we will scheme well to deflate (decapitate) your main weapons as the game progresses. Our defensive speed is comperable, if not better (linebacker), and I do mean FOOTBALL speed sir.

Keep up the stat war, the Heart war will give it's best shot that night.
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xrayrandy said:
Normally the DEs have containment responsibilities, but as been mentioned numerous times in this thread and others by tOSU posters, that responsibility will likely fall to your OLBs.....

Stepping back a minute, the DE is critical to how we play our bread and butter play the zone read. If the DE crashes down the line in backside pursuit of the RB then Vince keeps the ball and goes around end.
So basically...you are telling me that this basic read play will give Texas the edge? I don't see it...

I can see the DE's shading to 6 techniques and plugging the C gap to force a horizontal attack from your offense... Although you can/will disagree, I would take our OLBs in the flats to contain Vince. Remember, defense wins a stalemate. If Vince is cutoff and funneled back inside, he has the pursuit wave to face...he'd better duck if Nate Salley or Whitner is covering the cutback alley.

As for your 3 and 4 WR sets causing issues....I see that as a victory for tOSU if UT is forced into the pass-happy spread. If Vince Young can sit back and pick tOSU apart while facing numerous zone and secondary blitzes, then UT deserves to win...but I would not bet on that one.

In all honesty, the only thing that scares me with Vince Young is the broken play.
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xrayrandy said:
Normally the DEs have containment responsibilities, but as been mentioned numerous times in this thread and others by tOSU posters, that responsibility will likely fall to your OLBs. This is quite an admission on your part given your general cockiness, but I happen to agree. .........
The DEs will have containment responsibilities, and I don't think anyone here was conceding that they won't be able to contain VY most of the time. As stated by grad, the broken play is when he is most dangerous running the ball. This is where our LB's will step in and clean up. Vince may break a 20 yard run or 2, but he won't rush for 190 yards like against scUM....he probably won't rush for half that.
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If you are afraid of broken plays then blitzing is not a good idea. Last year most teams would try to contain him in the pocket and make him throw, so the last half of the season our OC had him roll out of the pocket to give him the run/pass option.

It is true that your DEs can play different techniques, but they will still be outmatched by our tackles. If you leave gaps between the tackles open we can make yardage there too. Sevin Young and Ramonce Taylor can run inside. The read play is only one play of many. I used it to illustrate one way your weak DEs will hurt your chances, there are certainly many more.

As for RB experience our fourth year junior Selvin Young is more experienced than Pittman and Ramonce is more experienced than your backs who have never played a down of D1 ball, so we do have the edge on RB experience (a lot more if you consider Vince is a RB at times). You are also talking about guys who averaged 8.5 and 10.1 yards per carry last year. Admittedly there is no way they average that as starters, but it shows their big play potential.

I am flattered that someone thinks I am the most obnoxious longhorn poster, but all my posts are based on facts I can support with evidence. I no way intend to be obnoxious only to correct innaccuracies in your lines of thought.
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<table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset ;"> Originally Posted by xrayrandy
If you are afraid of broken plays then blitzing is not a good idea. Last year most teams would try to contain him in the pocket and make him throw, so the last half of the season our OC had him roll out of the pocket to give him the run/pass option.
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Again, you have Vince moving laterally...that is to our advantage IMHO. If Vince HAS to throw...Texas is in trouble. The blitzes will be varied in look and angle...all used to force Vince Young into errors. He has yet to prove his passing ability against one quality powerhouse opponent when not at home...he has run like hell yes, but never beaten anyone worth a squirt with his arm. Not to mention, tOSU has made a living shutting down the mobile QB over the past 4 years.
<table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset ;"> Originally Posted by xrayrandy
It is true that your DEs can play different techniques, but they will still be outmatched by our tackles.....I am flattered that someone thinks I am the most obnoxious longhorn poster, but all my posts are based on facts I can support with evidence. I no way intend to be obnoxious only to correct innaccuracies in your lines of thought.
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That certainly does not seem like a fact...more of an opinion based on some abstract form of ratings.

I expect you to support your team and have biased opinions based on that support. Hell, I know I do the same thing. However, to assert that your opinion is fact is laughable at best friend. Just admit your homerism, argue like hell, and have a good time with it.
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I think that you seriously underestimate Vince's passing ability. If that is what is available to him I have no doubt he will be successful. I consider this to be fact based on what I have seen from him in practice. I also don't expect him to rush for 190 yards in your game. Michigan's insistence on stopping Benson at all costs, cost them any chance of stopping Young. I expect your defense will have a more balanced approach that will likely lead to more balance between yards gained by our RB and QB as well as yards gained running and passing.

As for our OTs being better than your DE's I can find dozens of sources to support that.

I freely admit to being a homer, but when one team averages 11 points more than another with a tougher strength of schedule (14 vs. 25), it doesn't take a homer to pick the favorite.
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