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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

MililaniBuckeye;603193; said:
I was going to post the same thing, but didn't want to sound as if I were bashing Brown. I like Brown a lot, but he did look like Cooper's brother in the second half...

it doesn't seem real how far tOSU's football program has come in four years. i despised Cooper. i doubt we would even have a football program if he stayed a few more years.
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I almost forgot...major props to the chaps girls:banger: They were down in front of us and were quite the distraction in between plays, during time outs, during tv breaks, between quarters, on changes of posession, and basically anytime I felt anything wasnt quite right with the world. I think we should get them at some Buckeye games...to the victor go the spoils.
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Mr. Incredible;603196; said:
I agree, it seems taken out of context. Just in case it wasn't, however, the new clock rules had to be played by both teams and it didn't hurt us at the end of the first half when Teddy Ginn punked the best cover corner (Ross) they had.


Mac Brown is retarded. everyone who watched the game knows that if the new rules were in place, Ohio State would still have won the game. in fact, the game might have been even more lopsided. He said that Texas comes from behind to win games...lets get one thing straight, Texas does not come from behind to win games, vince young comes from behind to win games.
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buckeyefan2261;603253; said:
He said that Texas comes from behind to win games...lets get one thing straight, Texas does not come from behind to win games, vince young comes from behind to win games.

Brown didn't say Texas comes from behind to win games, he only said that comebacks are one of the great things about college football. "One of the great things about college football is a team's ability to come back."
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Good 'Ol Mack

Having tried to sift through the last 25 pages or so of the "I told ya so" from the Buckeye supporters (only saw one Texican - EH say congrats), I will add mine, as the thread seems to have taken a turn my way.......

Game Day coaching - please someone tell me why Texas went away from the run when they were gashing our D on the option? Did we adapt so well, or did they change direction of their attack? Bad decision.......

Going one-on-one with Gonzo didn't work, so let's double team him and then go one-on-one with with the Buckeye Superstar, and maybe they won't notice.......Bad decision.......

My 'I told ya so" - along with the predicition that it would be decided along the lines, was that Tress was a better game day coach than Mack.........well folks, we've just seen proof positive of that. We adapted and when Texas tried, they got scorched.......Our chessmaster is at least two moves ahead of the competition.........

:gobucks3: :gobucks4: :banger:
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calibuck;603269; said:
Having tried to sift through the last 25 pages or so of the "I told ya so" from the Buckeye supporters (only saw one Texican - EH say congrats), I will add mine, as the thread seems to have taken a turn my way.......

Game Day coaching - please someone tell me why Texas went away from the run when they were gashing our D on the option? Did we adapt so well, or did they change direction of their attack? Bad decision.......

Going one-on-one with Gonzo didn't work, so let's double team him and then go one-on-one with with the Buckeye Superstar, and maybe they won't notice.......Bad decision.......

My 'I told ya so" - along with the predicition that it would be decided along the lines, was that Tress was a better game day coach than Mack.........well folks, we've just seen proof positive of that. We adapted and when Texas tried, they got scorched.......Our chessmaster is at least two moves ahead of the competition.........

:gobucks3: :gobucks4: :banger:

Here is my congragulatory post from page 501.

I just want to say great win to Ohio State. We were simply beat by a better team and that is all there really is to say about it. Lots of questions were answered and even more created for us this weekend. Good luck the rest of the way! I hope those that made the trip to Austin had a good time. I was given several bucknuts by fans that I interacted with and they are now placed in my trophy/sports room at home to remind me of this great 2 game series.
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Mr. Edhookem, I apologize for missing your post........and I have enjoyed the posts from ALL the Texas folk, even the ones that are a little bit right of Atilla the Hun. Everyone has their own opinion of reality, and those in Texas DO NOT differ much from those in Ohio (or other environs), just which side of the fence one is on.

Hopefully, y'all can continue to post on our board and keep us up to date on the Red River Shootout. I'm predicting a Jan 8 BCS championship rematch with UT, when Colt will be a sophomore (after a year of experience), and a much tougher game.

Until then, :gobucks3: :gobucks4: :banger:
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OSUsushichic;603379; said:
I almost wish we could play Texas on a more frequent basis. This rivalry is great for college football.

i agree. Austin is a beautiful city. my uncle lives there and cousin is an alum. i wanted to go, but couldn't get off work.

this two game series has been the highlight of college football for me, besides "the game" every year, and the ND beating last year.

i wouldn't mind re-upping this rivalry for another four years. more schools should grow a pair and do the same, which i am sure will happen...:roll2:
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Respectful interview, very complimentary of OSU... while giving his team a few excuses.

Mack Brown on 1460:

A texas WR pushed a OSU db into Mack Brown's mouth... causing the cut.

"What stood out to you about the game (coach)?"

- Big fan of OSU and respect them for having courage to schedule the games
- Two games were so similar, in the way they turned out. Last year they didn't play well (turnovers), 'we had 8 explosive plays, they had 7. This year they had 11 we had 9.' Complimented punter.
- We weren't opportunistic, the roles reversed.
- Too bad they didn't hold up their end... should have been 17-14 at the end there.
- Clock rules change the game, prevent come backs. They needed more urgency at the beginning. They didn't do well enough at the end of the 1st half.
- They were 'shorthanded' on defense.
- OSU coaching staff did a great job going to Gonzo... he felt they stopped the run, did ok on Ginn.
- It was a close game, 5 plays make a difference in a game like that. Unlike the last few years, they didn't make those plays.

"Why did you stop running the ball"

- We weren't stopping them.
- The punter kept us backed up...
- Short passes are 'runs' for us.
- The fumble at the 2 hurt us, not the playcall (short pass at the 7).
- Finds it humorous that Mack was always too tight, Texas always runs too much... now the fans say he was too laidback, and threw too much.
- They can't just run the ball all season (even tho they do it better than last year).

"Your evaluation of OSU & title hopes"

- They are much better on D than people given them credit for. Senior leadership and great coaches.
- We got the 6-12 yard runs, we didn't get the big play. They kept us in front of them. We couldn't make the plays like last year.
- Their ST kicks were better than the opener.
- TG II is as good as advertised.
- Quinn & Smith are the two best QBs in the game...
- To win, we had to run the ball, and keep Troy off balance which we couldn't do... we didn't have Marcus Griffin (injury) or Tarrell Brown...
- You have to be good, you have to be lucky. They're well coached and have a good schedule.
- Who would have thought 15 years ago we'd win in Columbus, they'd win in Austin?
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jwinslow;603397; said:
Respectful interview, very complimentary of OSU... while giving his team a few excuses.

Mack Brown on 1460:

A texas WR pushed a OSU db into Mack Brown's mouth... causing the cut.

"What stood out to you about the game (coach)?"

- Big fan of OSU and respect them for having courage to schedule the games
- Two games were so similar, in the way they turned out. Last year they didn't play well (turnovers), 'we had 8 explosive plays, they had 7. This year they had 11 we had 9.' Complimented punter.
- We weren't opportunistic, the roles reversed.
- Too bad they didn't hold up their end... should have been 17-14 at the end there.
- Clock rules change the game, prevent come backs. They needed more urgency at the beginning. They didn't do well enough at the end of the 1st half.
- They were 'shorthanded' on defense.
- OSU coaching staff did a great job going to Gonzo... he felt they stopped the run, did ok on Ginn.
- It was a close game, 5 plays make a difference in a game like that. Unlike the last few years, they didn't make those plays.

"Why did you stop running the ball"

- We weren't stopping them.
- The punter kept us backed up...
- Short passes are 'runs' for us.
- The fumble at the 2 hurt us, not the playcall (short pass at the 7).
- Finds it humorous that Mack was always too tight, Texas always runs too much... now the fans say he was too laidback, and threw too much.
- They can't just run the ball all season (even tho they do it better than last year).

"Your evaluation of OSU & title hopes"

- They are much better on D than people given them credit for. Senior leadership and great coaches.
- We got the 6-12 yard runs, we didn't get the big play. They kept us in front of them. We couldn't make the plays like last year.
- Their ST kicks were better than the opener.
- TG II is as good as advertised.
- Quinn & Smith are the two best QBs in the game...
- To win, we had to run the ball, and keep Troy off balance which we couldn't do... we didn't have Marcus Griffin (injury) or Tarrell Brown...
- You have to be good, you have to be lucky. They're well coached and have a good schedule.
- Who would have thought 15 years ago we'd win in Columbus, they'd win in Austin?

I also just heard this interview and was very impressed. After this interview and everything else I have seen out of him, I now have 2nd favorite coach to pull for!
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