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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

Taosman;603544; said:
I have developed even more respect for Mack Brown as a coach.
I like our guy better.
But, that just means to me that the very top coaches are very few.

Here's another website that I thought both UT and OSU fans could appreciate. Apparently, this website attempts to contact actual players on the ncaa football teams and ask them to rate their coaches. Mack and Tressel actually tied for the second highest score. Only the Iowa guy scored higher.

This link is a head-to-head comparison of Mack and Tressel...very even.
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The play of the game was definitely Laurinaitis' interception at the beginning of the second half, which allowed the Bucks to tack on three more points and make it a two possession game. If I had to guess, Mack Brown came into the game with the full intent of pounding the ball on the ground against OSU. However, after tied the game up and seeing how fast it took for OSU to regain the lead (a minute and a half TD drive?), he was frazzled and decided that UT must take the game to the air in order to keep pace with Smith and company. McCoy played with poise, but he was clearly befuddled by OSU's defensive ploy and threw the INT despite excellent pass protection. After Pettrey made it a two possession game, OSU's defense was smelling blood at that point, and UT's offense was never really effective after that.

McCoy definitely has potential, but as with every freshman QB, he has yet to develop a presence and chemistry inside the huddle. He was put into a tough situation of going up against a great defensive scheme and leading the team while they were down by two possessions. It's a task that he will hopefully improve as the season progresses.
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Before the season began, there was a lot of talk about OSU's offense carrying OSU's defense. The Texas game is a good demonstration of that. Troy Smith's offensive stats at the half (200+ yards and 2 TDs) forced a change in UT's offensive game plan to the favor of OSU's defense. As long as we can force teams to give up on the run while the run defense is still developing, we can hide a lot of holes on our defense early on in the season.
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To underscore a recurring theme, class.

Class players, class team and class coaches.

Here are the Texas player quotes from the 9/11 Presser.

There are many good things said and lots of props.

Here, just to cite one excellent example, is Safety Michael Griffin on working without Brown all day:

On having Tarell Brown back: It will be very nice to have him back out there. I think that he is happiest to be back out there. He missed a big game, and he may have had a lot of pressure on him. Like I said before, no one player can make a team. I don't think Troy Smith beat us on his own. I don't think Ted Ginn beat us on his own or Anthony Gonzalez. I think as a team, as a whole - special teams, offense and defense - they all stepped their game up and they all came out there ready to play. They won fair and square.
I believe there is no better testimony to the way Mack Brown coaches and teaches his players than this response by Griffin. Nothing he says is wrong, the tone is pitch perfect. He retains respect for himself and his team in equal measure to that which he confers on the squad he openly admits was better than his on Saturday night.
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sandgk;603634; said:
To underscore a recurring theme, class.

Class players, class team and class coaches.

Here are the Texas player quotes from the 9/11 Presser.

There are many good things said and lots of props.

Here, just to cite one excellent example, is Safety Michael Griffin on working without Brown all day:

I believe there is no better testimony to the way Mack Brown coaches and teaches his players than this response by Griffin. Nothing he says is wrong, the tone is pitch perfect. He retains respect for himself and his team in equal measure to that which he confers on the squad he openly admits was better than his on Saturday night.

Congrats to the Ohio State Buckeyes. The better team won-you were more prepared, more motivated (big surprise there) and you really went for it. Yes, we made our mistakes, but that's not why we lost. Good luck to all of you for a great season. Hope we can correct our shortcomings, and with luck, meet you again in the big game!!!!!!!
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NFBuck;603493; said:
No disrespect to any of the great Horns here, but damn hornfans.com is a joke...they're living up to their rep out there on other message boards...

That's a bit of a reach, no?:slappy:

Can't really say because I've read it four times and can't even understand what sinistr plot he's alleging.
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NFBuck;603493; said:
No disrespect to any of the great Horns here, but damn hornfans.com is a joke...they're living up to their rep out there on other message boards...
That's a bit of a reach, no?:slappy:

Yes, hornfans is a joke. Once I found out about the rivals message board for longhorns, I haven't been back unless someone links to a post from rivals.
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I finally got to watch some of the highlights. Too painful until now.

I remember noting the various defensive looks the OSU defense gave the UT offense, but I completely forgot about until I watched the highlights.

I'm certainly no expert, but from what I can tell, a lot of the time OSU had both safeties back (showing Cover 2) and just before the snap, a safety would come down into the box and both corners would drop back. Cover 3.

Since that's the case, I really can't fault McCoy for the frequent dump-offs to the running backs or all the hitches and slot screens Greg Davis called. The seems and posts just weren't an option. The OSU secondary just tackled well and kept everything in front of them.

Now that doesn't excuse the lack of running plays (in my uneducated opinion), but I feel a little better about the passing game and Colt's ability to read a defense from saturday. A better performance from our TE's (or David Thomas) sure would have helped though in the <10 yard range.
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footballfanatic;603653; said:
I haven't read anything about evryone's trip to Austin. How was it? Was anyone harrased? Did anyone get to see the sights?

A friend of mine just got back! He does not post on here,he's on another board! He and his girlfriend had a great time & everyone was very nice to them!
He hooked up with a Texas fan from the board who come out to the game last year!
He had a wonderful time,nobody harassed him at all!:wink2: !
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