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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

Only 17?!?! Wow...amateurs.


17 people arrested after Buckeyes win

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - Couches and mattresses were set on fire outside houses in Ohio State University student neighborhoods, and three people were struck by a car following the No. 1-ranked Buckeyes' 24-7 win over No. 2 Texas on Saturday night.
There were 35 to 40 fires set in student neighborhoods, said Columbus police Sgt. David Howson, whose department arrested about 17 people, five of them on arson charges. A trash bin also was set ablaze, burning two nearby cars, he said.Battalion Fire Chief Kevin O'Connor said he was treated for bumps and bruises after he and two others were struck by a car that came through a temporary command post set up in the driveway of a student union building.
The two others, an Ohio State official and her husband, were treated early Sunday at Ohio State University Medical Center for minor injuries.
Most students haven't returned to campus because fall classes don't start until Sept. 20, Howson said. Still, police concentrated their patrols on the campus area last night.
"This happens on big games, so we were prepared for it," Howson said.
The victory kept the Buckeyes (2-0) in perfect position for a run to a college football national title. Texas, which saw its 21-game winning streak snapped, is the defending national champion.


Fires reported near Ohio State after win over Texas
Five people arrested on arson charges
Associated Press

COLUMBUS -- Couches and mattresses were set on fire outside houses in student neighborhoods, and an Ohio State official was struck by a car following the No. 1-ranked Buckeyes' 24-7 win over No. 2 Texas on Saturday night.
There were 35 to 40 fires set in student neighborhoods, said Columbus police Sgt. David Howson, whose department arrested about 17 people, five of them on arson charges. A trash bin also was set ablaze, burning two nearby cars, he said.
Battalion Fire Chief Kevin O'Connor said he and two other people were hit by a car that came through a temporary command post set up in the driveway of a university student union.

The two others, an Ohio State official and her husband, were treated early Sunday at Ohio State University Medical Center for minor injuries, and he was treated at the scene for bumps and bruises, he said.

Most students haven't returned to campus because fall classes don't start until Sept. 20, Howson said. Still, police concentrated their patrols on the campus area last night.

"This happens on big games, so we were prepared for it," Howson said.

The victory kept the Buckeyes (2-0) in perfect position for a run to a college football national title. Texas, which saw its 21-game winning streak snapped, is the defending national champion.
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osugrad21;602010; said:
Only 17?!?! Wow...amateurs.


17 people arrested after Buckeyes win

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - Couches and mattresses were set on fire outside houses in Ohio State University student neighborhoods, and three people were struck by a car following the No. 1-ranked Buckeyes' 24-7 win over No. 2 Texas on Saturday night.
There were 35 to 40 fires set in student neighborhoods, said Columbus police Sgt. David Howson, whose department arrested about 17 people, five of them on arson charges. A trash bin also was set ablaze, burning two nearby cars, he said.Battalion Fire Chief Kevin O'Connor said he was treated for bumps and bruises after he and two others were struck by a car that came through a temporary command post set up in the driveway of a student union building.
The two others, an Ohio State official and her husband, were treated early Sunday at Ohio State University Medical Center for minor injuries.
Most students haven't returned to campus because fall classes don't start until Sept. 20, Howson said. Still, police concentrated their patrols on the campus area last night.
"This happens on big games, so we were prepared for it," Howson said.
The victory kept the Buckeyes (2-0) in perfect position for a run to a college football national title. Texas, which saw its 21-game winning streak snapped, is the defending national champion.


Fires reported near Ohio State after win over Texas
Five people arrested on arson charges
Associated Press

COLUMBUS -- Couches and mattresses were set on fire outside houses in student neighborhoods, and an Ohio State official was struck by a car following the No. 1-ranked Buckeyes' 24-7 win over No. 2 Texas on Saturday night.
There were 35 to 40 fires set in student neighborhoods, said Columbus police Sgt. David Howson, whose department arrested about 17 people, five of them on arson charges. A trash bin also was set ablaze, burning two nearby cars, he said.
Battalion Fire Chief Kevin O'Connor said he and two other people were hit by a car that came through a temporary command post set up in the driveway of a university student union.

The two others, an Ohio State official and her husband, were treated early Sunday at Ohio State University Medical Center for minor injuries, and he was treated at the scene for bumps and bruises, he said.

Most students haven't returned to campus because fall classes don't start until Sept. 20, Howson said. Still, police concentrated their patrols on the campus area last night.

"This happens on big games, so we were prepared for it," Howson said.

The victory kept the Buckeyes (2-0) in perfect position for a run to a college football national title. Texas, which saw its 21-game winning streak snapped, is the defending national champion.

Dumbasses.... :shake:
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osugrad21;602010; said:
Only 17?!?! Wow...amateurs.


17 people arrested after Buckeyes win

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - Couches and mattresses were set on fire outside houses in Ohio State University student neighborhoods, and three people were struck by a car following the No. 1-ranked Buckeyes' 24-7 win over No. 2 Texas on Saturday night.
There were 35 to 40 fires set in student neighborhoods, said Columbus police Sgt. David Howson, whose department arrested about 17 people, five of them on arson charges. A trash bin also was set ablaze, burning two nearby cars, he said.Battalion Fire Chief Kevin O'Connor said he was treated for bumps and bruises after he and two others were struck by a car that came through a temporary command post set up in the driveway of a student union building.
The two others, an Ohio State official and her husband, were treated early Sunday at Ohio State University Medical Center for minor injuries.
Most students haven't returned to campus because fall classes don't start until Sept. 20, Howson said. Still, police concentrated their patrols on the campus area last night.
"This happens on big games, so we were prepared for it," Howson said.
The victory kept the Buckeyes (2-0) in perfect position for a run to a college football national title. Texas, which saw its 21-game winning streak snapped, is the defending national champion.


Fires reported near Ohio State after win over Texas
Five people arrested on arson charges
Associated Press

COLUMBUS -- Couches and mattresses were set on fire outside houses in student neighborhoods, and an Ohio State official was struck by a car following the No. 1-ranked Buckeyes' 24-7 win over No. 2 Texas on Saturday night.
There were 35 to 40 fires set in student neighborhoods, said Columbus police Sgt. David Howson, whose department arrested about 17 people, five of them on arson charges. A trash bin also was set ablaze, burning two nearby cars, he said.
Battalion Fire Chief Kevin O'Connor said he and two other people were hit by a car that came through a temporary command post set up in the driveway of a university student union.

The two others, an Ohio State official and her husband, were treated early Sunday at Ohio State University Medical Center for minor injuries, and he was treated at the scene for bumps and bruises, he said.

Most students haven't returned to campus because fall classes don't start until Sept. 20, Howson said. Still, police concentrated their patrols on the campus area last night.

"This happens on big games, so we were prepared for it," Howson said.

The victory kept the Buckeyes (2-0) in perfect position for a run to a college football national title. Texas, which saw its 21-game winning streak snapped, is the defending national champion.

I just never got why people do such things like this after a win/loss....
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Who can blame him??


Ohio official says trip for business, not football
Lt. governor wants 5 Texas companies to expand or come to Buckeye State
Associated Press

COLUMBUS -- Lt. Gov. Bruce Johnson scheduled a trade mission to Austin, Texas, to coincide with Saturday's football game between the No. 1-ranked Ohio State Buckeyes and No. 2 Texas Longhorns, costing taxpayers $4,321.
The amount includes $1,055 for Johnson's airfare to Texas and back and $2,439 in airfare and hotel bills for two State Highway Patrol officers who accompanied him. Johnson, however, was expected to pay for his game ticket and hotel accommodations for two nights.
Johnson, who also serves as the state's development director, left Thursday and hopes to take advantage of national attention on the game to encourage five Texas companies to expand or become established in Ohio, spokesman Merle Madrid said.

"It's an opportunity to promote Ohio as a premier business location around a national story," said Madrid, adding that Johnson is a big Ohio State fan and probably would have gone to the game even if there were no trade mission.

All the more reason not to have taxpayers foot the bill for his trip, said Catherine Turcer, of the government watchdog Ohio Citizen Action.

"They can put a nice bow on it, but it's still a junket," Turcer said. "It's still taking advantage of taxpayer money."

Madrid disputed that, saying such missions get results -- $13 million in new investments and 300 new jobs from 16 trips that Johnson and Gov. Bob Taft have taken since November.

Johnson, a graduate of Bowling Green State University and Capital University law school, and the state troopers were expected to return Sunday night.
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OK here I am getting ready to party after the game

Well ok its not me but the bottle looks familiar.:biggrin:
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Texas Fans Get Rave Reviews

Departing Buckeyes Have Kind Words For Hosts

Keith Elkins

(CBS 42) AUSTIN CBS 42's Keith Elkins was at Austin Bergstrom International Airport Sunday as Ohio State fans were flying back to Columbus.

Elkins reports that an initiative asking UT fans to make Austin proud is apparently having an effect.

Ohio State fans by and large were impressed with the quality of Austin and with the hospitality of Longhorn fans.

"Maybe they were better than our people in Columbus," one departing fan told Elkins.

Despite UT's crushing loss and likely inevitable fall in the national rankings, the consideration of the 80,000-plus fans on hand Saturday night combined with the natural beauty and cultural attractions of Austin left a good impression on the city's guests.

The goodwill generated may well turn into tourism dividends in the future.

Equally, despite what was surely a depressing night -- no major disturbances or altercations were reported in the Texas capital overnight.
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Ohio State Game Sets Record For Attendance

(CBS 42) AUSTIN The Ohio State Vs. Texas football game Saturday night did set a record -- even if it wasn't a win for the Horns.

It was the largest attendance ever for a football game in Texas.

Inside the stadium, 89,422 people watched the game.

And that meant last night there were a lot of disappointed fans.
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osugrad21;602020; said:

Ohio State Game Sets Record For Attendance

(CBS 42) AUSTIN The Ohio State Vs. Texas football game Saturday night did set a record -- even if it wasn't a win for the Horns.

It was the largest attendance ever for a football game in Texas.

Inside the stadium, 89,422 people watched the game.

And that meant last night there were a lot of disappointed fans.
See Playing the Buckeyes can only bring good things.:)
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buckeye247;601981; said:
Where did all the Texas fans go? more importantly wheres Xray?

bchorn;601701; said:
Great game guys. TS had a great game and is definitely worthing of leading all the heisman contenders. Never once threw the ball to my horns!

Hard to believe OSU had only 22 more yards of offense than Texas. Of course, we can thank the turnovers for that...they killed us.

Colt played admirably under the circumstances. If only his intended targets could have done the same.

Correct me if I'm wrong but it seemed like Texas won the battle trenches on both sides. Texas was able to run at will (for the most part) and was able to put some good pressure up front on Troy. Of course, like any good heisman trophy candidate he responded well to the pressure.

Also, congrats to Anthony Gonzalez...only catches 373 yards all last year and then catches 40% of that in one game against us.

Kudos to your kicker to. He averaged 50 yard per kick! Good high and long kicks. Our kicker did a good job too. It was really odd to see two really good punt/kicker returns like Aaron Ross and Teddy Ginn be such non-factors.

Now you guys need to hold up your end of this series and win the national championship so this home-and-home goes down in the history books for a long time.
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Did anyone else get annoyed by the Herrington's and the Colt McCoy "Hero" story? As I was watching that lady's hefty tits bounce up and down like a karaoke machine follow-the-words ball, I came close to wishing that someone would've pushed those 'tards into the lake again.

I'm going to hell. :bonk:
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I'm interested if any of the Longhorns here are ready to lynch Greg Davis?

I mentioned, oh, about 300 pages ago or so, that I believed the difference in this game would be that the true Greg Davis would come to the forefront, and VY wouldn't be there to bail him out. True to form, the UT O was ripping off runs in 10 and 15 yard chunks, yet UT inexplicably threw the ball 32 times and stopped running late in the game, even with two quarters to play and a one possession game. I don't think I saw a single play-action pass to get the ball vertical. True, a lot of dropped balls by the WRs, but I don't think Davis really put McCoy in the best position to win.
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Jenkins and Washington= Studs.

Jenkins almost completely shut down Sweed, not an easy task at all because he is one of the best wide recievers in the game.

Jenkins also laid the wood a few times... He is the definition of an OSU corner, big, fast, and loves to hit.
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