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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

Xray, come out and plaaayyy. What's up, cat got your tongue?

But seriously, thanks to all the classy Texas fans(especially High Lonesome and EngineerHorn) for visiting and giving us some good discussions. Good luck to Texas the rest of the way.

I'm on fuckin' cloud 9 right now! :oh:
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timBUCK2;601544; said:
That was f-ing great! That was definitely worth the 364 day wait!

I love how Tressel opened it up to get the last TD. Man this team is special!



Why hello there Longhorn secondary.
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What a passer, what a leader, what a champion! The way that he carved up UT's secondary, played so calmly in the face of a VERY hostile environment, and managed the game in the second half were nothing short of remarkable! :oh: :io:
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