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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

I echo jimotis4heisman's thoughts on Colt McCoy.......he is a very well spoken young man for a 19 year old kid. Answers the questions in a way to give kudos, and not have it become bulletin-board material. He sounds very mature. Also agree that it's one thing to address a stationary microphone, but quite another to have 1200 lbs of linemen (4 x 300) getting close to taking off your head........

Still, if the mighty Quinn and Patterson can get pressure on the middle, and the ends can capture some of what they had against NIU, then Mr. McCoy will be looking for his backs on 'dump' patterns (swing) to get rid of the ball. Hope our LBs can pick them up. I truly don't think that their O-line (vaunted as it is), can hold off our D-line long enough to have either of their QBs air it out to a streaking Sweed or other end.

But that is why they play the game, instead of letting the 388+ pages of back-n-forth decide the game........

:gobucks3: :gobucks4: :banger: Also, guess I was wrong. Said that Texas would be favored, and I"d take OSU and the points because Tressel is a better game day coach than Mack Brown. Line today says OSU by 1/2. I'll GIVE the points and take OSU - same reasoning. vbets anyone?
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randy, it was hard to see you in the last pic. Is this you?

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Is it okay to disagree right now with the even call on the linebackers. I think maybe Texas should still be given a slight edge there.

I wrote the defensive part, I called it a push due to the injury situation on the Texas side of things. Overall, they have a better linebacker unit (as I see it right now), but 2 out of their top 6 may be out. When I do a side by side comparison I evaluate depth along with the starters. I'm not so sure that they are better than our unit when I factor those things in (i.e. Depth), especially on a night where it will be hot, and a lot of guy's will probably be rotated in.......hence the reason that I went even there. :)
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Holy graduate thesis batman. Someone give this man a Master's of Science in Football (MSF).

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Just to be clear ... quite a few BuckeyePlanet members work extremely hard on the Game Previews. I get the pleasure of interacting with them and organizing the effort. Dryden is somewhat correct, as about 75% of my work is completed before the season. Everyone else busts their respective 'humps', on an extremely tight deadline, to bring the Previews to our members. I might add that at least one rival Texas fan added to the Preview this week :wink2: . Please seek out these folks and show them your thanks for all the effort they put forth on a weekly basis. I noted above what each member does in general. While we each have a specific area to cover, everyone is encouraged (as often happens) to overlap and collaborate on all sections.
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