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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

For what its worth, I think Texas has just as much talent as OSU... if not more (since OSU's 03 class is nearly non-existant due to attrition/injury). But I woudl base that more on practice reports & scrimmage videos than star ratings. That being said, we'll gladly steal some of that jumbo-ATH talent you have down there. We've seen Tressel find hidden gems with regularity that mop the floor with some of the highly touted guys.

As for last year, you are probably right fight06... that D was very tough (and any great defense starts up front). I just don't remember the line breaking down as predicted.
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Those tOSU players averaged 2.4 stars 1 4*, 1 2*, 1 NR or 1*, and the others 3.

The Texas players averaged 3.4 stars 3 4* and 4 3*.

See I was really being much more generous that you realized.
dude, AJ Hawk was a fucking THREE STAR, and was the lowest rated linebacker in that class...perhaps if you actually put the calculator down and watched a game for once, and you'd see how he turned out... if you're basing your assessment on recruiting service star rankings, then you're an even a bigger tool than i previously thought...
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I know I'm the new guy here but I couldn't help myself...

I know you all want to see so here's randy..

Here he is on one of his better days..

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I think I agree with the sentiment that star ratings coming out of elementary, middle, high school and college don't mean a damn thing.

Statistics are awesome. I use stats all the time to trade commodities, but there is only so much you can use stats on with a HUMAN BEING.

The intangibles make good players great. Sometimes you can't plan for the effect someone can have by using stats. This isn't math or the stock market, this is living breathing people. This change, people mature at different times, and for God sake, UT is good, we just don't want to hear your spin and drink your kool-aid for how great you think they are in comparison.
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Hah, I wonder which BP poster that really is?

There is a picture of me on Mack Brown's website, in the stands where Colt McCoy is throwing a T shirt. A real good friend of mine is with his 12 year old son standing at the railing and I am standing 4 or 5 rows behind them.
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