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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

Didn't snead face the first team D on the last drive, and throw a pick?

Yes he did. He was under pressure and a sack should have been called or he should have thrown it away, but a WR was open deep over the middle and he tried to throw it across his body and couldn't throw it far enough. Palmer made a nice diving INT. Palmer almost got a pick on the play before that.

He is still not accustomed to the speed of the DBs (Palmer is very fast with a recent 6.82 60m indoor track time), and showed bad decision making on the INT play. They were freshman mistakes, which will be way to common during the upcoming season.

I can't help but expect that we will lose 1 or 2 games because of those kinds of mistakes. Our best hope is that the defense and special teams will keep us in games anyway.
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Yes he did. He was under pressure and a sack should have been called or he should have thrown it away, but a WR was open deep over the middle and he tried to throw it across his body and couldn't throw it far enough. Palmer made a nice diving INT. Palmer almost got a pick on the play before that.

He is still not accustomed to the speed of the DBs (Palmer is very fast with a recent 6.82 60m indoor track time), and showed bad decision making on the INT play. They were freshman mistakes, which will be way to common during the upcoming season.

I can't help but expect that we will lose 1 or 2 games because of those kinds of mistakes. Our best hope is that the defense and special teams will keep us in games anyway.

I went to the game. What's funny is that you don't know whether to cheer or boo during a scrimmage. If it's a touchdown, it's against your defense. Also, for what's it's worth, the scoring system is really weird. Why on earth did a punt return for a TD count for the offense?
What Ohio State fans should feel excited by is the huge falloff in QB physical talent. Runs that Vince would have turned into breakaway plays were quickly swallowed up by defenders. And though the defense were instructed to lay off the QB's, they went down fairly easily when hit. Snead had better throws, and he looked more comfortable out there. He has good confidence n himself. McCoy looked downright nervous. Both made bad throws into tight coverage, but Snead did make some nifty throws, espcially a sideline route. What is worrisome is how both ignored Limas Swead, the most physically gifted receiver on the team. On the plus side, the line provided good protection, but OSU will no doubt blitz from everywhere to disrupt the young QB's, just as Texas did against OU's Bomar. Anyway, there's my two cents. Really looking forward to the game, but not hoping it comes too soon, cause that will mean summer's over.
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Would you Texas fans agree that McCoy is leading the race right now,a nd I think he has a fairly comfortable margin??
I don't think that he has a comfortable margin at all, as Snead just began playing with this team and Colt had a year of experience on him. The first game of the year, I believe that they will alternate series or every two series against Denton High, and that one will be tabbed the starter for tOSU game, with both seeing significant playing time in that game unless one of the screws up or takes off. Mack has almost been too consistent already on stating that they will both be playing a lot next year.

Also, as for the Shipley posts, you guys should be aware that the great Jordan Shipley is just a figment of our imagination, and that UT used CGI to put him in the spring game just to appease all of the internet posters.
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I don't think that he has a comfortable margin at all, as Snead just began playing with this team and Colt had a year of experience on him. The first game of the year, I believe that they will alternate series or every two series against Denton High, and that one will be tabbed the starter for tOSU game, with both seeing significant playing time in that game unless one of the screws up or takes off. Mack has almost been too consistent already on stating that they will both be playing a lot next year.

Also, as for the Shipley posts, you guys should be aware that the great Jordan Shipley is just a figment of our imagination, and that UT used CGI to put him in the spring game just to appease all of the internet posters.

When Shipley went down, the whole stadium was silent. You could almost hear the whole stadium thinking, "oh no, not again." We won't know anything about this team until around the third quarter of the OSU game.
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In addition to tOSU, I'm worried about Texas Tech. It takes 7 or 8 healthy DBs rotating in constantly to keep from wearing down, and our depth is painfully thin. It will take 40+ points to beat Tech in Lubbock next year. It may be a game determined by stops rather than TDs, and stops caused by freshman QB mistakes could be the difference.
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I dont know if we're going to need 40 to beat Tech, even in Lubbock. Granted, thats a number you generally feel safer around when playing up there, but 2 years ago, 21 would have done it. If our defense is as competent as advertised and continues to improve, I think we could concievabley win by 10-20 pts only scoring 30 or so up there. Realize this is a defense which people are saying could be better than the units of the last 2 years which held Tech to an average of 19 pts in each game.

You're right about the DB's, though. Shipley will ALWAYS be valued and needed, as well, regardless of our other personell at wideout. It didn't particularly handicap up last year without him, getting extra production from a bunch of others, but that doesn't mean we couldn't have been dominant with him. The fact is, he's the QB's best friend on every team he plays, and with new QB's this year, his ability to run routes consistently, catch everything thrown his way (including balls otherwise maybe dropped), and generally get on the same page with his QB ahead of schedule, his presence will be vital, and our passing game will go as he goes, early on and late.

As far as DB's though, our depth may not be as bad as it seems. Through the Spring, yes, it has been bad, simply because we've left several guys out with some injuries that are worth getting well by summer, and those are the guys that look to fall in the starting rotation more than others. As it stands, we have returning lettermen : Sr FS Michael Griffin, Sr CB Aaron Ross, Sr CB Tarrell Brown, Sr S Matt Melton, Jr. Brandon Foster, Jr SS Marcus Griffin, RS-So CB Ryan Palmer, as well as incumbent RS-Fr Ishie Oduegwu, and a bevy of talented incoming freshmen (Chykie Brown, Deon Beasley, James Henry, Robert Joseph) who no doubt (knowing Mack) will play early and often.
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I think you guys (texas) will have a hard time with tosu, nebraska, tech, and OU. It sucks that you guys have so many tough away games this year. On the flip side didn't Tech lose quite a bit on both sides of the ball?? I do realize they put out 5th year senior qb's like every year it seems. Nebraska will be tough because they have what like 17 players returning?! OU should be more talented as well. I hope you guys win out the rest of your games other than the September 9th showdown of course. I quickly became a big fan of the burnt orange as I was leaving our stadium on September 10th of last year!

On a note on our game though I couldn't be any more excited to see your defense against our offense. I believe at first you guys should do a pretty good job of stopping us but I predict we might try to pound the ball and wear you guys out as the game goes! What do you guys think of this match up?
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I think you guys (texas) will have a hard time with tosu, nebraska, tech, and OU. It sucks that you guys have so many tough away games this year. On the flip side didn't Tech lose quite a bit on both sides of the ball?? I do realize they put out 5th year senior qb's like every year it seems. Nebraska will be tough because they have what like 17 players returning?! OU should be more talented as well. I hope you guys win out the rest of your games other than the September 9th showdown of course. I quickly became a big fan of the burnt orange as I was leaving our stadium on September 10th of last year!

On a note on our game though I couldn't be any more excited to see your defense against our offense. I believe at first you guys should do a pretty good job of stopping us but I predict we might try to pound the ball and wear you guys out as the game goes! What do you guys think of this match up?

Random thoughts: Should be a great game through the third quarter, but I see your offensive experience providing the difference in the fourth. Too much Troy Smith, cause our offense won't provide enough spark to keep him from wearing out our boys. We need turnovers, and we'll have to control the ball on the ground, which I can't see happening. Troy Smith has been dreaming about this game since last September--he wants it to be his Heisman coming-out party--just as this was VY's last year--the Heisman he proved he deserved in the RB. Also, your frosh RB should be fine--no one can step in and contribute quicker than a great back. I see us hanging tough, then the defense caving in the fourth--sort of like last year, only reversed. Also, I'm viewing this though orange colored glasses, but it sure looked like Melton scored that last touchdown against you on fourth down--not that it mattered. That play still bugs me. Why would a 270 lb back leave his feet against a guy he outweighs by 60 pounds?

More random thoughts (continued) Again, never discount the pain of playing in September in Texas heat, even at night. Unless you've experienced it, it's a real shock. That is an advantage we MIGHT have. We don't have the big homefield advantage in this game the Shoe gives you. Our crowd can get mighty quiet really quickly, and that will be Tressel's goal early. I guess I'm not shedding any real light on this game. Like I said, I'm really looking forward to it--just don't want it to come too soon-our summer has already begun (in the nineties today) and I want it to be long and slow.

Another even more random thought--I was in NY visiting, and watched the game at the ESPN Zone in NYC--there was a table of guys wearing OSU jerseys watching, sitting right below a big TV. Anyone from that party ever post here?
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I agree with the above post to an extent. Especially if Troy Smith plays anything like he did against Michigan and Notre Dame (the only two Buckeye games I saw outside of our game). Amazing what a difference a couple months and several games makes.
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I think it will be a phenomenal matchup. Particularly interesting will be the Texas secondary vs the tOSU wide recievers. Even with losing S. Holmes, Ted Ginn is the most dynamic player in the college game this year, and an added year at the wide reciever position should make him even scarier to face, with Gonzo Gonzales being an above-average, speedy #2 man. The rest of your guys I'm a little unfamiliar with though I remember some talk of a Santonio Holmes route-running clone thats a little bigger, and redshirted this last season, but yall will have to remind me.

Going against an ever-improving Texas defense, entering its 2nd full year under D cordinator Gene Chizik, I look for added continuity and increased anticipation/aggressivenes as things become more instinctive. Though we return 7 starters, and many other lettermen, the loss of Michael Huff, among others, will be interesting to see in the way that Texas responds. His leadership, experience, game IQ, and rover ability were part of what made our defense so stout for the majority of last year. Hopefully, the added experience, increased pass rush, veteran returning secondary, and upgraded linebacking play should be enough to offset graduation losses, and increase production from the unit as a whole. I'm optimistic but in no way minimizing the significance that players like Huff and Rod Wright had (though to a lesser degree) had for our D.

As good as our secondary was last year, and I believe it was damn good, I think it will be more valuable to have the aforementioned increased pash rush that should come from quickness upgrades at DT and DE, as well as better linebacking play from added experience to a young group of returning starters, as well as newcomer in the middle RS-Fr Roddrick Muckelroy. This should be particularly helpful in stopping the run, something that we could definately improve upon from last year, and will be particularly important against Antonio Pittman and the Buckeye offense as tempo looks to be established early in the game. Aaron Harris certainly was the Heart and Soul of our defense last year, along w/ Huff and Wright, though towards the end of the year, he began to break down a bit, injuries being one thing, along with poorer decision making in run support another, and that lessened our effectiveness. Even at full strength though, athletically, A. Harris, at 6'0, 235, 4.65-4.7, can't hold a candle to Muckelroy, 6'2 230, 4.5-4.6. Not only that, but Roddrick is a smart, well-groomed linebacker who likes to take peoples heads off (he and Adrian Peterson met several times in HS and Muckelroy became well-known for the licks he put on Peterson, getting the better of him everytime they met). Mack among others thought Muck, who redshirted and ran with the 2nd team D in practice, was good enough that he should have seen the field last year, but Chizik thought it best to go with the established leaders of the defense, especially at linebacker, like A Harris, among others. Needless to say, he is the heavy favorite to take over the starting job in the middle come fall, along with RS Soph Rashad Bobino, who, though a little undersized, started at WLB last year, and is quick, efficent, and contact-friendly. Should be interesting.
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