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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

If you look at strength of schedule (NCAA) last season, the Big 12 had 6 teams in the top 25; 1, 7, 10, 12, 20, 21 (OU, UT, Tech, KU, CU, A&M).

The Big 10 had 4 teams in the top 25; 3, 4, 6, 13 (tOSU, UM, NW, MN)

Tell me again which conference is tougher top to bottom? It looks like the Big 12 is from the data.

If you only care about the top teams, conference A has 3 national champions in its ten years of existance, while conference B has 3 national championships in the last 40 years. I think conference A sounds more impressive.
And if you look at weighted SOS, such as Sagarin, rather than pure Ws and Ls against D1AA and Sun Belt creme puffs, you'll see the Big-10 had 10 of it's 11 members in the Top-25 for SOS, while the Big-XII places five.
<pre><b>FINAL College Football 2005 thru Wednesday, January 4, 2006 the BCS uses the ELO_CHESS from here<br>HOME ADVANTAGE= 2.48 RATING W L SCHEDL(RANK) VS top 10 | VS top 30 | ELO_CHESS | PREDICTOR </b><br><br> 9 Oklahoma A = 86.27 8 4 80.34( 1) 0 2 | 2 4 | 87.54 9 | 84.64 12<br> 36 Colorado A = 77.67 7 6 78.73( 6) 0 2 | 0 6 | 79.67 28 | 75.38 43<br> 40 Texas A&M A = 76.69 5 6 77.72( 11) 0 2 | 0 5 | 76.62 41 | 76.19 39<br> 1 Texas A = 106.93 13 0 77.24( 13) 3 0 | 4 0 | 107.36 1 | 106.03 1<br> 32 Kansas A = 78.89 7 5 75.90( 24) 0 2 | 2 3 | 80.17 27 | 77.20 35<br><br> 2 Southern California A = 98.93 12 1 78.37( 8) 2 1 | 5 1 | 96.10 2 | 101.83 2<br> 42 Stanford A = 76.41 5 6 77.92( 9) 0 3 | 1 5 | 75.44 43 | 76.78 37<br> 81 Washington A = 66.37 2 9 76.51( 19) 0 3 | 0 6 | 62.45 98 | 69.98 66<br> 65 Arizona A = 69.94 3 8 75.99( 23) 1 1 | 1 4 | 68.06 75 | 71.29 62<br><br> 3 Ohio State A = 95.37 10 2 79.63( 2) 1 2 | 4 2 | 93.06 4 | 97.41 3<br> 16 Michigan A = 84.45 7 5 79.60( 3) 1 2 | 2 5 | 81.31 24 | 87.54 7<br> 34 Northwestern A = 78.69 7 5 79.42( 4) 0 3 | 2 5 | 81.21 25 | 76.03 41<br> 96 Illinois A = 62.79 2 9 78.38( 7) 0 2 | 0 5 | 66.20 82 | 59.04 118<br> 27 Minnesota A = 81.04 7 5 77.71( 12) 0 2 | 1 4 | 79.58 29 | 81.96 24<br> 37 Purdue A = 77.35 5 6 77.00( 15) 0 2 | 0 5 | 75.21 45 | 79.02 33<br> 4 Penn State A = 93.47 11 1 76.98( 17) 1 0 | 4 1 | 93.49 3 | 92.88 5<br> 26 Iowa A = 81.09 7 5 76.84( 18) 0 1 | 2 4 | 79.48 30 | 82.16 22<br> 35 Michigan State A = 78.68 5 6 76.12( 21) 1 2 | 1 4 | 75.29 44 | 81.96 23<br> 74 Indiana A = 68.39 4 7 75.80( 25) 0 1 | 0 5 | 70.48 60 | 65.91 80<br><br> 8 Notre Dame A = 86.75 9 3 77.10( 14) 0 2 | 1 2 | 83.29 19 | 90.37 6<br><br> 43 North Carolina A = 75.53 5 6 78.78( 5) 0 1 | 1 4 | 78.98 35 | 72.15 60<br> 38 Maryland A = 77.27 5 6 77.91( 10) 0 2 | 0 5 | 78.79 37 | 75.36 44<br> 41 Georgia Tech A = 76.50 7 5 77.00( 16) 0 1 | 3 2 | 78.92 36 | 73.89 51<br> 12 Boston College A = 85.10 9 3 76.06( 22) 0 1 | 1 2 | 85.11 14 | 84.52 13<br><br> 154 Temple A = 49.46 0 11 76.40( 20) 0 0 | 0 4 | 53.44 135 | 44.51 175</pre>
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which really isn't all that bad if you concede that the big ten has the toughest schedual then the big twelve has 1/3 of the remaining 15 spots. More than their fair share when compared to the other confrences
Well, I don't think anyone has to concede any points here. You can take any number of charts and tables, and sort them to your liking to rank conferences however you want. If I said the SEC is the best, I could probably find ten different 'select' sources that would prove that. Pac-10? Same thing! ACC? No problem!

Frankly, I hate the "my conference is better than your conference" pissing contests, because it's all cyclical, but what the hell ... it's July. :biggrin:

Bottom line, the three BCS computer poll services that provide rankings for conferences as groups all had the Big-10 ranked #1:

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if you want to throw "they say " around then check this out in all the preseason polls texas finishes no better than 5th and no better than 7th on average . the buckeyes are picked as no1 overall on average.
so now who is going to win the game based on your picks and stats???

:oh: :io:
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texhornfan said:
VY was a great quarterback for Texas, but does anyone who posts on here really believe that if VY had qb for Baylor that they would have won nc
. He had a world of talent around him.
Just so I follow the mindset of a Texas fan.....you're saying the guy everybody cried about last year when he wasn't compared to God now isn't the main reason you guys won the NC, just because he left? Had he returned then you would be saying something different.
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Just so I follow the mindset of a Texas fan.....you're saying the guy everybody cried about last year when he wasn't compared to God now isn't the main reason you guys won the NC, just because he left? Had he returned then you would be saying something different.

Never let established behavior from last season get in the way of a spurious argument about what is to come.
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