The only way this is a ballgame is if OHIO STATE allows it to be.. We've started fast all year and I see no different happening in this game. Who cares how they've played the last two games! They've been beating up on cupcakes for two weeks and we've played MSU/PSU (both great running teams). While Wisconsin should be use to fast game speeds by now, nothing in the past two weeks have prepared them for what they're going to see as far as speed/talent. We just faced a faster team in Penn State and going onto Wisconsin is actually going to be rachetting the level down a notch or two. Where as Wisconsin is going to have to rachet the level up a couple notches. Going from a slower team to a faster team is much harder than going from Fast to slow. Not to mention they haven't played a team all year like us.. This is a team that struggled with an Iowa team (at home, and fully healthy) that was finding itself.
So how does a team finally find their identity and pick up momentum when they lose their starting reciever (and best threat), lose their #1+#2 tailbacks for this game? That momentum is going to get them buried quickly IMO. I don't think we have a thing to worry about..Our D-backs can lock their passing game up (whatever they had of one anyways), and we can now concentrate on their running game. They have far too few weapons to attack a defense with as many playmakers as ours.
We worried about Washington, we worried about the 98' MSU game to this years MSU game, we worried about the Purdue game with painter,we worried about NORTHWESTERN and the 04' game to this years game, and guess what? We freaked the fuck out about the Night game, with the white out, at PENN STATE.. And what happened in each and every one of those games we dominated the game, not only did we dominate but it really wasn't even close in any of the games we've played so far.
this team is on a mission, the coaches are on a mission, and hell even the fans are on a mission. We will not lose this game. We won't.. Plain and simple. This team imparticular is very hungry and do you think a team this young with such memories of that NC game is going to take this game lightly??? This is a big name school (although their talent level isn't near ours) and these players will be ready to rock and roll. Not to mention this is OSU's biggest home game of the year so the crowd should be extra excited!! We are healthy, they are not we will win this game.