Before the season I was wondering how they’d get it done in six episodes. Now I wish they’d done it in four. Clearly, they could’ve pushed it out to seven or eight, but between the incessant fanboi noise and the coffee cups and water bottles, I was just glad to see it end. Overall, I’m good with where they landed. Sansa is queen of an independent North. Tyrion is running things for the other six. Dany is gone and Jon is hanging out in the North telling everyone he doesn’t want to be king beyond what’s left of the wall. My favorite part of the episode was Tyrion suckering that moron Gray Worm into sentencing Jon to the Night’s Watch which, of course, no longer exists. Arya’s Jack Sparrow ending was more than a little anti-climactic, but they wrote it, I didn’t, so fine. All good, nothing left to see.