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Game Thread Game Four: Ohio State 31, Iowa 6 (final)

Iowa has what - less than 40 yards total??

This is a sterling defensive performance. It is a very promising offensive performance

I really do not believe Ferentz can turn that around in a substantial manner. He will talk, he will cavil and try to pump the Iowa D and O up in the locker room - but,

a near 10:1 advantage on yards gained is really, really hard to get out of your mind.

3TD spread looks conservative right now. We get the ball 1st after the half-time break.
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this offense needs to learn to put a friggin stake in the heart of their opponent... I agree with Milli.. don't let the opponent think they're still in it... because like we learned that against Texas...

I also agree that Schnit must sit...
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Playcalling? Besides the end of the half, where would there be any complaints there?

Offensive execution is 100x better today...except for the fumbles, but if someone needs to blame JT for those also, that is about par for the course.
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OSU did it BIG in the first half, we now just have to come out in the second ahlf and run up the score another 2 TDs at least before we begin to play clock management.

We are embarassing Iowa right now and they have what negative rush yards?

Lets get it done Bucks!
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Nice run for the pickup by Pittman on two consecutive runs. First for 10, second for 29. Pittman is carving this defense up with just great cuts and force.

17 rushes for 149 yards. Very needed and nice.

Smith has got to hold onto the ball better on these hits.
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