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Game Thread Game Four: Ohio State 31, Iowa 6 (final)

I haven't been this relaxed watching the Bucks in a long time. The defense is on a totally different level. The offense is playing great. Great balance, keeping Iowa on their heels, and very confident. And then we got a couple of fuckups...not much you can do but shake your head.
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This game is already over. Iowa can't move the ball. What do they have in their last four drives? Net negative yardage?

You know, 331 yards and 17 points would be a decent total for the whole game. For ONE HALF, I'll take it, even with the turnovers. This could easily be 35-0, but hey...
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We've outgained them 313-13 and yet are only up 17...we are just asking for trouble.

Agreed. We are manhandling them but the two turnovers inside the 5 yard line were incredibly disappointing. What are these guys thinking? I imagine, knowing Tressel's love of turnovers, that it is pretty hot in the clubhouse right now.

Right now, Iowa is pwned! If you watched their bowl game come back, you know it is no time to rest easy, but then so will the Buckeyes. I really enjoyed watching that half but the Smith fumble is the first time I have thrown something at a television screen in twenty years.
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Why can't this offense just go out and crush someone? Theres always fucking something.

331 total yards in the 1st half and we cant get that excited because we've fumbled 3 times, lost 2 of them and blocked in the back on a punt return TD.

I'm jus left muttering and cussing.
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Schnittker needs to sit for awhile.

Line up two fullbacks (Johnson and White) when it gets close.

Something is going on with Schnittker. He had two hands on the football and still coughed it up. Horrible.
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Why can't this offense just go out and crush someone? Theres always fucking something.

331 total yards in the 1st half and we cant get that excited because we've fumbled 3 times, lost 2 of them and blocked in the back on a punt return TD.

I'm jus left muttering and cussing.

My points exactly. I notice my "Bench Schnittker" thread got quickly nuked. We need to fucking put teams away when we can and not continue to let tham hang around, because it WILL bite us in the ass eventually.
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Why can't this offense just go out and crush someone? Theres always fucking something.

331 total yards in the 1st half and we cant get that excited because we've fumbled 3 times, lost 2 of them and blocked in the back on a punt return TD.

I'm jus left muttering and cussing.
I agree but at least there is something to build. Improved OL and QB . By the way that last pass to Ginn showed soom poor route running but physically he is Gifted.
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daddyphatsacs said:
Geez fellas, last time I checked we dominated them in the first half. Judging by some responses here you'd think we are losing to this point.
My only complaint is not getting the ball in the endzone. We have more talent then 17-0. We have 331 yards! But only 17-0? C'mon, things have to get better.

Every game, something goes wrong, and all we are left with is "well if it wasn't for [blank]..." A bad call, a penalty, a fumble...etc, I'm tired of being left with "what ifs"

I'm not going to be all happy and go lucky about the team if mistakes continue to happen.

But I'm not a doom-and-gloom poster. I loved our first series, I love the way Pittman is running, I LOVE our D. I love that we're up and heading towards another W.

I just don't like being left with all these mistakes.
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Schnittker needs to sit for awhile.

Line up two fullbacks (Johnson and White) when it gets close.

Something is going on with Schnittker. He had two hands on the football and still coughed it up. Horrible.

Agreed, he's getting into Ross and Bellasari territory very quickly. I'll never bash a player, I'll thank them for all their hard work and sacrafice while they were here but I'm not exactly sorry when they go.

That should be his last carry this year though, simply can't have the big back coughing it up at the goal line on a consistent basis.
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My points exactly. I notice my "Bench Schnittker" thread got quickly nuked. We need to fucking put teams away when we can and not continue to let tham hang around, because it WILL bite us in the ass eventually.

Nope, not nuked the way I see it. He should ride the bench the rest of the game in my opinion. We need to bury this team today and I am hoping that we can put another 28 on the board in the second half. If we want to play in the national championship game, then we better stop shooting ourselves in the foot.

I am appreciate the way we toasted these guys in the stats, but we need to put up the numbers and they know that just like we do!
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