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Game Thread Game Five: #1 Ohio State 38, #13 Iowa 17 (9/30/06)

Is there any Iowa.....

I don't know if any one has asked this question but is there any Iowa forums out there?

I would like to see what their fans are saying about the game.

Any one have any thoughts?

:osu: :topic:

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osugrad21;618169; said:

Iowa City hasn't been kind to Buckeyes

By Lucas Sullivan
Staff Writer

Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Some might say the Buckeyes got their revenge after last season's 31-6 trouncing of the Hawkeyes in the Horseshoe, frustrating quarterback Drew Tate so much he received a personal foul penalty for spiking the ball after being sacked in the fourth quarter....

What is this guy, a basketball writer covering somebody else's beat while they're sick? It wasn't even Unsportmanlike Conduct (which it should've been IMO), it was called Delay of Game.
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On paper, we should be able to match up with these guys and beat them soundly, and if this game were in the 'Shoe it wouldn't or shouldn't be close. However, it's not, and this could easily be one of the biggest games in Iowa's history. I see some key weaknesses on their offense that I'm sure we can exploit (they're fielding a frosh center?), but the real x-factor is how to limit Tate's playmaking ability. If Ferentz is the CFB coaching god that Mark Mays touts him to be, he's going to running QB draws, misdirection, stretch plays...whatever, to confuse our defense. If there is one QB in the Big-10 that likes to roll out of the pocket and make passes downfield it's Tate. What I hate the most (and what's making me almost more nervous than I was before the Texas game) is that the keys to victory are two relative unknowns - how will our defense stop Tate and Young, and if our offense will get back to the level we all know they can compete at. Also that not winning our Big 10 road opener night game stigma doesn't help either, though I hoped beating Texas would help that.

Granted, I know there are some matchups that favor us heavily, namely our WR's vs. their DB's, but still...if we come out flat, I don't know if we'll be able to dig ourselves out of a potential hole in this one. We have Troy Smith, they have Drew Tate. Either QB could carry their team to a victory. It'll be a good one.
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I think Iowa will try and do what Wisconsin did a couple of years ago by pounding the ball down our throat, controlling the clock and making it a low scoring game. Although players are expected to and almost always do elevate their games in crucial games at home, it does not look like Tate has a whole lot to work with. They may try to spread the ball around and set up some screens and trick plays, but that's not how you control the clock. IMO, the ideal scenerio for Iowa is to keep this game close and low-scoring and give a chance for Tate to win it at the end.
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haueyman;618357; said:
If you watch last weeks game DT was throwing his temper tantrums again.

I think Drew T is going to catch a case of Laurinaitis.
Thats one of things i noticed about Troy with PSU.. granted i didn't catch the entire game, after his 2nd pick and other plays that were not to hot, he didnt show emotion
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Bleed S & G;618408; said:
Thats one of things i noticed about Troy with PSU.. granted i didn't catch the entire game, after his 2nd pick and other plays that were not to hot, he didnt show emotion

You mean he didn't get rattled and he made a huge play afterwards? Yeah, I noticed that too.
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R0CK3TM4NN;618373; said:
On paper, we should be able to match up with these guys and beat them soundly, and if this game were in the 'Shoe it wouldn't or shouldn't be close. However, it's not, and this could easily be one of the biggest games in Iowa's history. I see some key weaknesses on their offense that I'm sure we can exploit (they're fielding a frosh center?), but the real x-factor is how to limit Tate's playmaking ability.

I really think the key is to not let Tate get out of the pocket, as I believe CleveBucks mentioned a few pages ago. Iowa has very inexperienced receivers who should have a tough time making plays consistently.

Against Cincinnati, there were at least 3 plays where they got 20+ yard gains when Grutza got outside the containment. Each one of those plays was against a different DE, so it wasn't just one guy.

Last week Morelli didn't have the mobility to cause simlilar problems. I can only assume the coaches have Henton on the scout team simulating Tate on rollouts, bootlegs, and scrambles - while instructing the DE's on their responsibilities in those situations.
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DaddyBigBucks;618440; said:
You mean he didn't get rattled and he made a huge play afterwards? Yeah, I noticed that too.
I think he meant that Troy Smith has secretly been replaced by a robot...

Truth is, I liked Troy's intensity level better against Texas. He should ratchet up the intensity when receivers drop passes or the line is missing assignments.
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timBUCK2;618454; said:
I think he meant that Troy Smith has secretly been replaced by a robot...

Truth is, I liked Troy's intensity level better against Texas. He should ratchet up the intensity when receivers drop passes or the line is missing assignments.

No, most of the time when people talk about the great quarterbacks of all-time they talk about how cool and collected they were even under the toughest circumstances. You don't want your quarterback getting too emotional during a game.
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osugrad21;618169; said:

Iowa City hasn't been kind to Buckeyes

By Lucas Sullivan
Staff Writer

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

COLUMBUS ? Ohio State quarterback Troy Smith vividly remembers the last time he was in Iowa City.
The Buckeyes were 0-2 in Big Ten play coming into the game against the Hawkeyes and left with fans chanting, "Oh and 3, oh and 3," after an embarrassing 33-7 loss.

I thought the title to this article was misleading. We all know about the shellacking from the last trip, but I thought before that loss our record at Iowa was quite good. I was thinking that it was in the 1980's when we last lost at Iowa. Also, isn't the series completely lopsided? About a month ago, I was looking for info on the internet that listed OSU's series records with other Big Ten schools and couldn't find anything.
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