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Game Thread Game Five: #1 Ohio State 38, #13 Iowa 17 (9/30/06)

Ever since Wisconsin 2003 i've hated these road night games...sometimes even the crappiest of teams (Northwestern 2004) look good in these games...it just seems like it's a more "anything can happen" atmosphere at night on the road. Ohio State's win against Texas at night should keep them from being intimidated, but it's still a road night game against a ranked opponent. Ohio State is the better team...but they still need to play like it this weekend. If Troy protects the ball and Pittman has another 100+ yard game, then we'll win...and I find that both of those things are very likely.
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Dryden;617777; said:
I've watched Iowa a few times this year, and as I have said elsewhere, I am not impressed. I am one who thinks very highly of Drew Tate, but unless he can pass to himself and rush for 150 yards, Iowa has little chance in this game barring a disaster by OSU.

The smackdown in 2004 notwithstanding, the best thing that's happened to Iowa in the Ferentz era was avoiding Ohio State completely in 2002. Iowa and Ferentz have milked that 2002 season for all it's worth, and it's going to be a hard fall back to the reality known as 7-5. It's amazing that everyone has forgotten that Iowa -- with all the talent they had last season -- went ... uh ... 7-5?

On the positive side, at least they're undefeated and overranked, so when OSU goes into Kinnick and monkey stomps them by 3 TDs on national TV, everyone will say, "Damn, Ohio State is good!" The Bucks and Troy Smith will have already parlayed the win into a national championship game berth and Heisman award, long before everyone realizes, "Shit, Iowa sucks!" :biggrin:

agreed, agreed, and agreed. i'm not one for saying that ohio state will handle an opponent when there is a worthy opponent; however, i am certainly thinking that ohio state will hand it to iowa... as long as the conditions are not wet and windy. i stayed away from thinking that osu would cover the spread against psu because of the weather. if osu and psu played ten more games with scores and situations the same as those up to the second pick-six, i don't think that osu would cover but once more. osu's offense is exponentially more potent when they can vertically spread the field.
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osugrad21;617205; said:
How original...


Be Bold Wear Gold' for Ohio State game The University of Iowa is encouraging all fans to wear gold for the nationally televised game between Iowa and Ohio State on Saturday in Kinnick Stadium.
A commemorative "Gold Bowl" T-shirt has been created and is available state-wide. The goal is to "Be Bold Wear Gold."

If they REALLY wanted to psyc out the Buckeyes, they'd all wear pink.
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osugrad21;617205; said:
How original...


Be Bold Wear Gold' for Ohio State game The University of Iowa is encouraging all fans to wear gold for the nationally televised game between Iowa and Ohio State on Saturday in Kinnick Stadium.
A commemorative "Gold Bowl" T-shirt has been created and is available state-wide. The goal is to "Be Bold Wear Gold."
No more or less original than a "sea of scarlet".:wink2:
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Tresselbeliever;617886; said:
Key to victory: Stop Albert Young

I don't know about that one. I think the key to victory is stopping Tate, particularly his ability to run and to scramble and then throw. UC's QB gave us trouble that way, and that dude will be a poor man's version of what we'll see on Saturday night.

BuckeyeNation27;617900; said:
For a team that supposedly has been in the Big Ten title hunt for the last 3 years, they do an awful lot of whining about how little respect they get. I thought we already played our MAC team.

Lack of respect? Their fans need to remember that last year some preseason publications had them ranked as high as #2, and they promptly went out and lost 5 games. If you ask me, the media's been giving them way too much respect.
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You know what would've made that "Sea of Scarlet" impressive? If we did it at Iowa. Or pretty much anywhere besides Ohio Stadium

I have always envied other schools that have more focus on team colors. I don't like Tenn Orange, but when you see a Tenn fan that is what they are wearing. When Nebraska travels they wear red.

At OSU red, white, gray and black are all generally accepted.
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Tresselbeliever;617886; said:
Key to victory: Stop Albert Young

Maybe this is true - but I was told by a good source from Iowa that the secondary defense for the Hawkeyes is not that good. But then again the Buckeyes secondary is still in the learning stages. And the way they measured up against Penn State, I feel pretty good in that area. I also have a strong feeling that Tressell will utililize his running backs a little more in this game. Maybe this could be his "Ace up the sleeve"
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osugrad21;617965; said:

Depth Chart

Schaefer back up at LT and LG (instead of Mitchum)

Freeman or Terry starter at SAM

I never understood why the starters at LB are not Freeman, Laurinaitis, and Terry. I'm sorry, but Kerr just hasn't shown much this year IMO. I guess that neither Terry nor Freeman can play the Will.
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