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Game Thread Game Five: #1 Ohio State 38, #13 Iowa 17 (9/30/06)

OregonBuckeye;618606; said:
You gotta' be shitting me! We would beat them by atleast 40. They are the least impressive 4-0 team in quite some time. Purdue is thanking their lucky stars that they don't have to face scUM or us.

To my mind, Rutgers' and Wake Forest's schedules qualify them for at least a tie for this dubious distinction.
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Another excellent preview.

I find it interesting that the preview gives OSU the edge at every position group on either side of the ball except TE. I can't disagree with that, but that is also the kind of preview which should predict a rout. And I don't see that either.

The Iowa OL and running game have been underperforming all season. I look for that to end Saturday. The OL letting Tate down last year was a major issue and will be a point of focus this time around. While their receivers are not strong I look for Ferentz to have a game plan that delivers a lot of underneath stuff. He will look to control the clock and keep Troy off the field. I think they have the personnel to do that with some effectiveness.

Stopping our O of course, is another issue - but only if we are clicking. The only way they keep Troy from exploiting our speed at receiver is to sell out in bringing pressure, and that is too risky.

IF Troy is not crisper than he has been the past two weeks, IF we are on the short end of the mistake/turnover game, and IF Iowa can win the kicking game this could be very nasty. But I don't see that happening. Our depth will shine late and fend off any serious challenge.
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DaddyBigBucks;618668; said:
To my mind, Rutgers' and Wake Forest's schedules qualify them for at least a tie for this dubious distinction.

For the record, I didn't actually think about any other teams. I was just trying to get my point across. Wake Forest is also a very bad 4-0 but Rutgers seems legit.
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OregonBuckeye;618731; said:
For the record, I didn't actually think about any other teams. I was just trying to get my point across. Wake Forest is also a very bad 4-0 but Rutgers seems legit.

I think everyone got your point, there are some fake assed 4-0 teams out there. All that will come out in the wash though.
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sandgk;618657; said:
You are correct.

And now they have gone to a 12-game schedule they have no excuses left for that.
Play one or the other (and drop ND).

Muck;618665; said:
Blame the Big 10 for that decision.

First, Purdue and Notre Dame are intrastate rivals who've played each other every year since 1946...I don't see them stopping that just to "prove" themselves to a few Buckeye fans.

Second, until the Big Ten "decides" to mandate a 9-game conference schedule across the board, your cries for Purdue to play one of either Michigan or Ohio State each year is void.
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NOTREDAMECHIEF;618815; said:
If any other coach in America would have answered that home field advantage question like JT did (a repeat of the same question) 99%
of you would be calling that coach an arrogant smart-ass.

JT is ony arrogant in a subtle, humble manner :biggrin:
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NOTREDAMECHIEF;618815; said:
If any other coach in America would have answered that home field advantage question like JT did (a repeat of the same question) 99%
of you would be calling that coach an arrogant smart-ass.

whatever makes you feel better about your arrogant fat ass of a coach
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NOTREDAMECHIEF;618815; said:
If any other coach in America would have answered that home field advantage question like JT did (a repeat of the same question) 99%
of you would be calling that coach an arrogant smart-ass.

There is only one D1A coach we would hold to be arrogant had he answered a question with the same question. :tongue2:
Though if you bother to hear the audio JT's response was more like a "what do you mean, be more specific" retort.
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NOTREDAMECHIEF;618815; said:
If any other coach in America would have answered that home field advantage question like JT did (a repeat of the same question) 99%
of you would be calling that coach an arrogant smart-ass.

REPORTER: What makes a good home field advantage?
COACH TRESSEL: What makes a good home field advantage?

Sounded to me like he was making sure he understood the question. I understand Notre Shame fans have a difficult time comprehending questions with more than two words.

REPORTER: Coach, you want another helping?
Charlie: Huh?
REPORTER: More food?
Charlie: Belch, gurgle, YEP, belch!
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OregonBuckeye;618731; said:
For the record, I didn't actually think about any other teams. I was just trying to get my point across. Wake Forest is also a very bad 4-0 but Rutgers seems legit.

Some interesting things about the 4-0 teams. Wake Forest is the only team in the country that has 4 wins over BCS conference schools this year. (I'm ashamed to admit that I got that fact from Dennis Dodd). :tongue2:

Does defense win championships? Here's another out-of-whack stat:

Purdue has given up 115 points in 4 games this year and has a 7-game winning streak.

Colorado has given up 68 points in 4 games this year and has lost 8 straight overall.
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