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Game Thread Game Five: #1 Ohio State 38, #13 Iowa 17 (9/30/06)

WhoDeyForever;619668; said:
Anybody else think Lil Animal will come up with another int:biggrin:

INTs - If not Laurinaitis then quite likely Jenkins, or Washington, or Smith, or a player to be named during the game.

DEF TOTALS - At the rate L'il Animal is going he stands to net 9 INTs this year - and possibly as many (or more) than 60 Solo and 50 Assisted Tackles, and he could tally 4 sacks, 4 passes defended and 8 forced fumbles. All without increasing his work output per game.

That is simply stunning. :biggrin:
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OregonBuckeye;619388; said:
I've seen our loss to Iowa 2 years ago mentioned more than our win last year. We also lost to Northwestern that year. Think the media will continually(or continiously?) bring that up? No, because it's not relevant.

People in the sports medium for some reason or another hate Ohio State(Fouts, Musberger, mark may ,beano cook, etc) but they can't stop having orgasms when Charlie Weiss is mentioned, " give Charlie Weiss a month to prepare and he will dismantle Ohio State", "offensive genius!!" . Thats what I heard for a month before the OSU Vs ND game. And then after, the excuse was that Charlie didnt have the players. Absolutely no love for Tressel. I think I saw Mark May cringe when he complemented Ohio State's defense saturday.
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WoodyHayes1951;619693; said:
People in the sports medium for some reason or another hate Ohio State(Fouts, Musberger, mark may ,beano cook, etc) but they can't stop having orgasms when Charlie Weiss is mentioned, " give Charlie Weiss a month to prepare and he will dismantle Ohio State", "offensive genius!!" . Thats what I heard for a month before the OSU Vs ND game. And then after, the excuse was that Charlie didnt have the players. Absolutely no love for Tressel. I think I saw Mark May cringe when he complemented Ohio State's defense saturday.

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WoodyHayes1951;619693; said:
People in the sports medium for some reason or another hate Ohio State(Fouts, Musberger, mark may ,beano cook, etc) but they can't stop having orgasms when Charlie Weiss is mentioned, " give Charlie Weiss a month to prepare and he will dismantle Ohio State", "offensive genius!!" . Thats what I heard for a month before the OSU Vs ND game. And then after, the excuse was that Charlie didnt have the players. Absolutely no love for Tressel. I think I saw Mark May cringe when he complemented Ohio State's defense saturday.

Musburger LOVES Ohio State. Well, that is what I take away when I hear Musburger.
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OSUBuckeye4Life;619705; said:
Musburger LOVES Ohio State. Well, that is what I take away when I hear Musburger.
I wouldn't say he LOVES OSU, but I've never heard him run us down. I would say he LOVES TS, he talked him up a lot in THE GAME and the Fiesta Bowl last season. Also FWIW, I don't think the blue and yellow attire was intentional.
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NFBuck;619741; said:
I wouldn't say he LOVES OSU, but I've never heard him run us down. I would say he LOVES TS, he talked him up a lot in THE GAME and the Fiesta Bowl last season. Also FWIW, I don't think the blue and yellow attire was intentional.

You're probably right, He must've been still drunk.....

Maybe he has a pass, he did do "Holey Buckeye!" and all.
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Surfing the Iowa boards and saw this injury report:

Sounds like Kannellis and Moylan are definately out. Eubanks and Richardson are questionable. It said in the DI today that KF was going to try and have those 2 practice today, but if they don't practice by thursday they wont be playing on saturday.

Kannellis is a backup DE and Moylan the second team SS. But Eubanks (C) and Richardson (LT) are starting OL. These injuries were reported earlier in this thread, but that info was as of last Saturday. Both the OL injuries are knees. Even if they play, an OL with a tender knee is a tentative proposition at best.

KF is a good enough coach to hide a lot of weaknesses, but you can't hide your OL. If an already underachieving OL is at 60% Iowa has serious problems.
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WoodyHayes1951;619693; said:
People in the sports medium for some reason or another hate Ohio State(Fouts, Musberger, mark may ,beano cook, etc) but they can't stop having orgasms when Charlie Weiss is mentioned, " give Charlie Weiss a month to prepare and he will dismantle Ohio State", "offensive genius!!" . Thats what I heard for a month before the OSU Vs ND game. And then after, the excuse was that Charlie didnt have the players. Absolutely no love for Tressel. I think I saw Mark May cringe when he complemented Ohio State's defense saturday.

back in the late 90's musberger was obviously biased against us. now, he's done so many of our games i have started to like him. he always speaks highly of our team. eg the comment about weiss saying Tenn's defense was the best defense they faced last season. Fouts on the other hand...
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I think Musberger's thing is he hypes (bit time) whoever has the hot hand. And that changes throughout the game. When tOSU is doing great he sounds like he loves us. When our opponent is doing great, it sounds like he hates us. I've noticed that for years about him. And quite frankly, I find it pretty damned annoying. Football is a great sport all by itself. It doesn't need the hype.
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fourteenandoh;619794; said:
back in the late 90's musberger was obviously biased against us. now, he's done so many of our games i have started to like him. he always speaks highly of our team. eg the comment about weiss saying Tenn's defense was the best defense they faced last season. Fouts on the other hand...

Mmm, late 90's Musberger didn't like tOSU - could it have been a side-effect of watching teams with promise collapse at a critical point (perhaps we could call it the Coop effect).
Now he gives us Holy Buckeyes and bouying up of the Troy Smith legend - watching teams and players maximize their potential - should we likewise call the positive impact the Tressel effect? I think we can.
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Musberger likes the bucks. You guys listen with filters.

Fouts is a douch bag.

"bad call Keith, its a bad call" "I know but he first called holding, bad call...bad call!"

""the fourth quarter is Dorsey time cause he's a winner"

Make me Puke
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