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Game Thread Game Five: #1 Ohio State 38, #13 Iowa 17 (9/30/06)

Folanator;619830; said:
Musberger likes the bucks. You guys listen with filters.

Fouts is a douch bag.

"bad call Keith, its a bad call" "I know but he first called holding, bad call...bad call!"

""the fourth quarter is Dorsey time cause he's a winner"

Make me Puke

When Fouts speaks it reminds me of irritable bowel syndrome, on a huge salary.
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Just booked a reservation at the casino/hotel near Iowa City. Looks to be a fun weekend. I expect this crowd to be jacked up...I think our offense is so experience though, that it won't cause us many problems. I think we are going to be too fired up in this one for a letdown. We expect to win...and from the quotes coming out of KF's mouth, his team expects to lose. "Whatever happens Saturday we have to get past it and move on." That doesn't sound very positive. Iowa hasn't seen any talent this year...we've seen talent as good as Iowa all year. As long as Troy can deal with the crowd...we are "golden" no pun intended.
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ytownbuckeye;619843; said:
can't stand musberger

I couldn't stand Musberger, either, for a long time. But either he's come around, or I have. And since I never change, it must be him. Jack Arute does a pretty good radio show on Sirius 123 on Wednesdays 12-3. Unfortunately, it also has Terry Bowden on it. But he doesn't ruin the show. Anyway, Jack Arute said on the show that he always thought it was funny that EVERY team thinks that Brent Musberger is against their team. Michigan fans think he's anti-Michigan. Buckeye fans thinks he's anti-Ohio State. Jerk Store fans think he's anti-Jerk Store. I wonder if that means he's doing a good job or if that means he's doing a terrible job?
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Just like the 2005 game against Iowa was revenge for the 2004 game, Iowa may be looking at the 2006 game as revenge for the 2005 game. And this game is also looking like Iowa's revenge for 1985.

Of course, the 2006 game against Iowa has nothing to do with 1985, or 2005, for that matter. So who cares about those other games? I don't know much about Iowa's team. I wonder if their defense can maintain Ginn? Penn State did a pretty good job at that. They didn't let Ginn go deep, and when he did, it was basically a punt for Ohio State. If Troy Smith can stay patient, like he was in the second half, and like he was against Texas (that game becomes more and more beautiful for him the more I watch it), I don't see Iowa keeping Ohio State out of the endzone for long. They may keep Ohio State to one or two touchdowns in the first half, but an offensive explosion by the end of the third quarter will give Ohio State a pretty good lead.

Defensively, I don't know what's going to happen. Drew Tate basically had a coming-out party in 2004, when Ohio State visited. But Ohio State shut him right back into his box when he came to Columbus. Ohio State pressure got to Tate. Ohio State doesn't blitz as often this year, but the front four seem to be getting good pressure on opposing quarterbacks. That leaves seven to drop back into coverage. If Iowa has a good offensive line, Tate is going to get plenty of time to find open receivers, and I think that Tate is good enough to take all the time he's given. Ohio State may need to blitz more in this game, and I think that Tate is good enough to throw the quick passes to receivers who are made open by the blitzes.

And, unfortunately, Kirk Ferentz isn't an idiot. Therefore, he knows the weakness of Ohio State's defense: screen passes and sweep plays. But I don't think the Buckeyes will get beaten by those plays often enough for it to be a big difference in the game. And with the way Ohio State plays about 50 different guys at one time or another, Ohio State won't be tired in the second half, the way Iowa's O-line will be. Tate's early success in the game won't last long, and Ohio State will pull ahead in the second half.

Halftime score: Ohio State 14 - Iowa 10.
Final score: Ohio State 35 - Iowa 11.
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Zurp;619854; said:
Just like the 2005 game against Iowa was revenge for the 2004 game, Iowa may be looking at the 2006 game as revenge for the 2005 game. And this game is also looking like Iowa's revenge for 1985.

Of course, the 2006 game against Iowa has nothing to do with 1985, or 2005, for that matter. So who cares about those other games? I don't know much about Iowa's team. I wonder if their defense can maintain Ginn? Penn State did a pretty good job at that. They didn't let Ginn go deep, and when he did, it was basically a punt for Ohio State. If Troy Smith can stay patient, like he was in the second half, and like he was against Texas (that game becomes more and more beautiful for him the more I watch it), I don't see Iowa keeping Ohio State out of the endzone for long. They may keep Ohio State to one or two touchdowns in the first half, but an offensive explosion by the end of the third quarter will give Ohio State a pretty good lead.

Defensively, I don't know what's going to happen. Drew Tate basically had a coming-out party in 2004, when Ohio State visited. But Ohio State shut him right back into his box when he came to Columbus. Ohio State pressure got to Tate. Ohio State doesn't blitz as often this year, but the front four seem to be getting good pressure on opposing quarterbacks. That leaves seven to drop back into coverage. If Iowa has a good offensive line, Tate is going to get plenty of time to find open receivers, and I think that Tate is good enough to take all the time he's given. Ohio State may need to blitz more in this game, and I think that Tate is good enough to throw the quick passes to receivers who are made open by the blitzes.

And, unfortunately, Kirk Ferentz isn't an idiot. Therefore, he knows the weakness of Ohio State's defense: screen passes and sweep plays. But I don't think the Buckeyes will get beaten by those plays often enough for it to be a big difference in the game. And with the way Ohio State plays about 50 different guys at one time or another, Ohio State won't be tired in the second half, the way Iowa's O-line will be. Tate's early success in the game won't last long, and Ohio State will pull ahead in the second half.

Halftime score: Ohio State 14 - Iowa 10.
Final score: Ohio State 35 - Iowa 11.

??? how can Iowa score 1 point in the second half??

As for Musberger, he knocked the basketball fans last year on espn and against iowa in 2003 ohio state didn't catch a break on the goal line and he said "OSU, this isn't the Fiesta Bowl" implying that OSU got lucky against Miami of Florida.
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??? how can Iowa score 1 point in the second half??

As for Musberger, he knocked the basketball fans last year on espn and against iowa in 2003 ohio state didn't catch a break on the goal line and he said "OSU, this isn't the Fiesta Bowl" implying that OSU got lucky against Miami of Florida.
Don't question Zurp...if he says the halftime score will be Iowa 10 and the final score will be Iowa 11 then you just accept it and move on!
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Zurp;619854; said:
Just like the 2005 game against Iowa was revenge for the 2004 game, Iowa may be looking at the 2006 game as revenge for the 2005 game. And this game is also looking like Iowa's revenge for 1985.

Of course, the 2006 game against Iowa has nothing to do with 1985, or 2005, for that matter. So who cares about those other games? I don't know much about Iowa's team. I wonder if their defense can maintain Ginn? Penn State did a pretty good job at that. They didn't let Ginn go deep, and when he did, it was basically a punt for Ohio State. If Troy Smith can stay patient, like he was in the second half, and like he was against Texas (that game becomes more and more beautiful for him the more I watch it), I don't see Iowa keeping Ohio State out of the endzone for long. They may keep Ohio State to one or two touchdowns in the first half, but an offensive explosion by the end of the third quarter will give Ohio State a pretty good lead.

Defensively, I don't know what's going to happen. Drew Tate basically had a coming-out party in 2004, when Ohio State visited. But Ohio State shut him right back into his box when he came to Columbus. Ohio State pressure got to Tate. Ohio State doesn't blitz as often this year, but the front four seem to be getting good pressure on opposing quarterbacks. That leaves seven to drop back into coverage. If Iowa has a good offensive line, Tate is going to get plenty of time to find open receivers, and I think that Tate is good enough to take all the time he's given. Ohio State may need to blitz more in this game, and I think that Tate is good enough to throw the quick passes to receivers who are made open by the blitzes.

And, unfortunately, Kirk Ferentz isn't an idiot. Therefore, he knows the weakness of Ohio State's defense: screen passes and sweep plays. But I don't think the Buckeyes will get beaten by those plays often enough for it to be a big difference in the game. And with the way Ohio State plays about 50 different guys at one time or another, Ohio State won't be tired in the second half, the way Iowa's O-line will be. Tate's early success in the game won't last long, and Ohio State will pull ahead in the second half.

Halftime score: Ohio State 14 - Iowa 10.
Final score: Ohio State 35 - Iowa 11.

Very good analysis. Just to add something about our offense, I believe that PSU has superior talent in the secondary than Iowa. The matchup of our WRs vs. their DBs is probably our biggest advantage in this game. To take advantage of it, I believe that we need to come out and consistently test them on intermediate and deep routes. Advantage one is to capture the initiative and take the crowd out of it. Advantage two is to take the early lead and take away Iowa's run game. Advantage three is to establish a fast pace high scoring game that would make Iowa uncomfortable, similar to what we did with Texas.
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buckeye247;619878; said:
How can you not like Musberger, he is one of the only intelligent college football commentators out there. But back to the game. If we beat Iowa is it clear sailing to scUM or do you think we will have a tough game at MSU.

The only knock on Mussberger is him constantly bringing up irrelevant stories like Laura Quinn and Tommy Z being a golden glove boxer. I wish he would focus more on the game.
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OregonBuckeye;619882; said:
The only knock on Mussberger is him constantly bringing up irrelevant stories like Laura Quinn and Tommy Z being a golden glove boxer. I wish he would focus more on the game.

He only does that because ABC makes him do it. Remember the Texas game when they were interviewing E. Smith about dancing with the stars. Musberger was like "sorry to interupt you Emmit but a football games breaking out". ABC makes them always do those personal interest stories. If i had my way i would just like the field audio.
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You know who does a great job of broadcasting the games when the Buckeyes are on TV. Paul Keels, Jim Lachey and Jim Karsatos. No sideline "dancing with the stars" bullshit and no question who they are rooting for. It just sucks when the audio doesn't time up with the video.
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Buckeyes not seeing red over Hawkeyes' pink

By Doug Harris
Staff Writer

Thursday, September 28, 2006
COLUMBUS ? The pink walls in the visitors' locker room survived Iowa's renovation of Kinnick Stadium, despite protests from some activists who believe the color scheme sends a demeaning message to women.
Ohio State cornerback Antonio Smith wouldn't be willing to join those folks on the picket line, but he has an issue with the decor, too.
"Our (visitor) locker room is not pink. We feel like we definitely have a nice locker room for opposing teams to get dressed and get ready for the game," he said. "When you go there and there's 70-some guys ? all guys ? and you're sitting in a pink locker room, you feel you're being disrespected.
"But it doesn't matter. We're there for the game. How the locker room is set up has very little significance."
Night woes over?
The Buckeyes lost their previous four regular-season night games before beating Texas this season. But counting bowls, they've actually been faring well in prime time under sixth-year coach Jim Tressel, winning seven of their 11 games.
"If you listed those (11) teams we've played at night, they've been pretty good ones ? the Miami Hurricanes for one and Texas twice and Wisconsin and Penn State," Tressel said. "We didn't play Baldwin-Wallace."
Boone improves
Beleaguered sophomore tackle Alex Boone ? who had two major penalties against Texas, and two false starts and a holding infraction against Cincinnati ? was named the team's offensive lineman of the week for his effort against Penn State.
"I thought he played a lot more physical, a lot lower, with a lot more confidence," Tressel said. "He'd been nursing a little bit of soreness, but he's gotten through the preseason and got his legs back under him."
Wristband returned
Penn State assistant Tom Bradley found a wristband during the game with about 10 OSU defensive formations on it. He handed it to Tressel as the teams crossed paths on the way to the locker rooms at halftime.
The gesture may have been good sportsmanship, but Tressel didn't think the inside information would have done the Nittany Lions much good anyway.
"How do you know which of the 10 (is being called)?" he said.
First-half drought rare
The Buckeyes' scoreless first half against Penn State last week was their first since the Outback Bowl after the 2001 season.
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