3yardsandacloud said:1. Some of the smilies ( :) :(![]()
, etc.) have a blue tint to them. I can live with it but the traditional yellow tint (or maybe a scarlet/gray) would look better to my eyes. It's your call obviously, it just looks "wierd" to me.
vb3.0 RC1 (the version of the software we're running) was released with the graphics sets used in vb2.X (what we were running before). I had customized those so the smilies were better, etc. and lost that when I upgraded. However, vb3.0 FINAL is going to have an all new set of graphic widgets. Meaning new buttons, icons, smilies, everything will be at least new, and hopefully improved. Which is why I'm dragging my feet a bit customizing things like the smilies, the little blue folders up on top of the page, the little checkboxes next to our names that show we're online or not, etc. Mostly because the new release with the new gfx could be out within the next week or two, and I'd rather just edit all those images (100+) once in Photoshop. I have been going through and making some custom icons that we'll be using regardless of what the new ones look like. Such as the little Buckeye stickers that now show which forums have new posts on the front page (I also added one as a Post Icon so people can stick them on threads). I'm playing with a variation on them as a measure for reputation as well. So we'll see how that goes. Bottom line is that the blue gfx are temporary. Even if the new ones are blue, we'll be going to either scarlet, gray, or in the cases of smilies (for example) some complimenary yellow.
3yardsandacloud said:2. I can only save 10,000 private messages on this board!?!?!? Whats up with that??? Obviously I'm kidding here. That's a ridiculous number. Unbelievable in fact. I can't imagine having that many saved on this board (meaning on "your" disk space). and to think I've been limited to 5 EZmessages at Bucknuts!![]()
I had this server built for a business where I was the COO. I actually had two of them built, but when the company folded post-9/11 (the biggest investor took massive stock hits and had to bail) I only kept one for myself. Anyway, this machine was actually designed to handle data storage and manipulation for not one, but rather up to a few dozen different vBulletins, as well as ad serving for several million pageviews a month across what was a good size family of websites. All it does now is host BP and a couple tiny little no-traffic pages of my own personal use, so when storage and database limits come up in the settings, I enjoy no small amount of freedom in opening them up a bit. 10k private messages is off the deep end a bit though, I could see paring that down to something a little more reasonable. Like 1k.

The only reason I'm going into is to demonstrate that we're going to be covered for a good long time. But it will be interesting to see how the stats engine impacts everything if that really gets cranking.
As I've said before, I'm not a tech guy, but I like toys. And I guess I sort of look at this server as a toy.

Had I been smart, I would have taken some computer science courses while at OSU. But no, I had to be microbio/biochem. A lot of good that's doing me these days.

3yardsandacloud said:3. In the User CP section of the board I've noticed a possible "glitch". When you go to the "Edit Options" section there seems to be an excessive amount of "blank" space between several of the headings (Messaging & Notification, Thread Display, Date & Time Options, Miscellaneous, possible others) and the area where you would select your settings. It's not really a big issue other than convenience. I had to "scroll" down for quite some time before I got to the options I could set. Then I needed to "scroll" down again for each additional heading. Again, not a major issue, but I almost stopped, assuming there was nothing more to be seen, or that it was a software "error".
I've noticed that in a few places, it seems to be a little glitch in the software. That's what I get for not being patient enough to wait for the final release.

3yardsandacloud said:4. Some of the new features are crazy cool. I've used 282 KB of your disk space to store/upload 15 attachments. One of my attachments (the OSU Helmet with Buckeye Leaf stickers) has be acceced/downloaded 3,935 times?!?!? Wow! That one seems to be popular/a problem. This was already discussed in another thread, but it is very cool to seen the numbers for myself.
I didn't know it gave you that information. Very cool. I'm still discovering new stuff myself.
3yardsandacloud said:5. Keep up the great work, it is appreciated. I assume there will be other things I run across, but the upgrade is very cool.
Let me know, because some of it is still news to me.
