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2025 FL DL Jarquez Carter is a Buckeye!!!


Staff member
BP Recruiting Team
Fantasy Baseball Champ


Class: 2025 (high school)
Position: Defensive Line
School: Newberry (FL) Newberry
Height: 6-foot-2
Weight: 280 lbs
Florida 2025 defensive tackle Jarquez Carter’s visit to Ohio State was everything he hoped it would be and more.

The three-star prospect had been paying attention to Ohio State's program with vested interest recently and decided to make his first gameday trip to Ohio Stadium in the Buckeyes’ regular season home finale against Minnesota on Saturday.
“It was one of the best atmospheres I’ve ever been in,” Carter told Eleven Warriors. “They had like a rally (at The Skull Session) before the game, and I’ve never seen anything like that. Just walking around campus and stuff, it was an amazing time being there.
“I definitely loved seeing (Tyleik Williams) and (Jack Sawyer) play, that was a good thing to see. I see a lot of myself in (Williams) with how fast he gets off the ball and how fast his hands are.”
Following the game, Carter picked up an Ohio State offer after having a conversation with Ryan Day.

“It felt great knowing all the great defensive linemen they’ve produced, that was a big-time offer for me,” Carter said. “(Coach Day) told me that he really appreciated me coming all the way to Ohio State from Florida, he said that means a lot and shows I’m really interested in the school. He said ‘If you show interest in me, I’ll show interest in you’ and he offered me and told me he wants me to come back in the spring and spend more time here.”
The 6-foot-2, 284-pound Carter said he had a “long talk” with defensive line coach Larry Johnson while on the trip to Columbus as well.
“He was talking to me about all the greats he’s put in the league, he told me that if I want to be great, it starts now and I have to set higher goals for myself,” Carter said.
Carter is a three-star defensive tackle out of Florida and while he doesn’t hold a composite ranking as of yet, his offer sheet includes 15 Division I schools. Schools that have offered the 6-foot-2, 284-pound Carter include Louisville, Miami, Michigan, Notre Dame and Penn State.
“I’ve always been hoping to get this offer, so this is really a top offer to me,” Carter said of Ohio State. I’ve always admired the way coach Johnson coached and have been impressed by the players they’ve produced.”
This season, Carter recorded 60 tackles, 35 tackles for loss, eight sacks and 14 quarterback hurries. As a sophomore, Carter totaled 78 tackles, 23 tackles for loss, 10 sacks, eight quarterback hits, two pass breakups and a forced fumble.
“I’d say I’m a pass-rush first type of guy,” Carter said. “I get off the ball really fast and use violent hands. I’m not going to stop until the play is over with.”

Carter said he plans to be back in Columbus sometime this spring for a spring practice, with an eye on committing sometime during the summer before his senior season.
“All the connections you’ll get,” Carter said regarding the most appealing thing about potentially playing for Ohio State. “I think Ohio State has by far the biggest fan base, so you’ll get a lot of connections being there.”

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Four-star Florida prospect Jarquez Carter told Eleven Warriors he’ll visit Ohio State on March 28 for one of the Buckeyes’ spring practices.

“I’m looking forward to watching practice and watching coach Larry Johnson coach,” Carter said.

The trip to Columbus will be Carter’s second visit to OSU, as the Florida prospect attended the Buckeyes’ home finale last season in November against Minnesota. While on his gameday visit, Carter said he was impressed by OSU fans and how electric the atmosphere was at Ohio Stadium.

“It was great,” Carter said of his visit. “It was my first Big Ten game, it was packed, fans were louder than ever. It was probably the most fun I’ve had.”

While on the visit to OSU, Carter was impressed with the play of Tyleik Williams and Jack Sawyer. He later picked up an offer from the Buckeyes, with Johnson extending it to him.

“It meant a lot to me,” Carter said of OSU offering him. “That just let me know, if I can get an offer from Ohio State, I can get an offer from anywhere. It meant a lot that Larry Johnson thought I had enough ability to play for him.”

Johnson stopped at Carter’s high school during the active period to visit him, a gesture that he appreciated. The Florida standout said he and Johnson converse often.

“He texts me a lot,” Carter said. “Just like texts me different schemes they do. He texts me a lot and just keeps checking up on me almost every week.”

Around six weeks away from his next visit to Columbus, Carter says his interest in Ohio State is “very high.”

“Just based on all the people that (coach Johnson) has developed and all the greats he’s gotten to the NFL and how they’re producing in the NFL.”
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I vote someone adds another statistic to the mix. NIL $. Somehow, someone can/should get a number, represented by dollar bills of course (gold bars would be nice too), that estimate how much NIL loot is being offered. Mayhaps that statistic would be the deciding factor. OK, am done ranting. Go Bucks!
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I vote someone adds another statistic to the mix. NIL $. Somehow, someone can/should get a number, represented by dollar bills of course (gold bars would be nice too), that estimate how much NIL loot is being offered. Mayhaps that statistic would be the deciding factor. OK, am done ranting. Go Bucks!
It should just bling out the player profile picture to look more and more like a Master P album cover as the offers increase.
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