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Game Thread FIESTA BOWL: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (01-05-09)

Hey Dad, that's the receiver with the combination of size, speed, and hands that you were looking for. Granted, he projects to be better at a different position on the field. Still...

2-point conversion fails. Dang it. Pryor almost seems rattled at QB.

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Hell of a play. Terrelle's passes have been extremely short lately. I think he should continue QB draws where he hesitates like he's going to pass or give him the option to throw a screen or something underneath. Leave the other passing to Todd.
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Man, Terrelle's arm has been off tonight.....he's made some great throws throughout the season, but this has been bad....

Great catch on the fade route.....the kid is an amazing athelete no doubt, but his passing game has cost the Buckeyes a lot of yards and points tonight.
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NFBuck;1374007; said:
Pryor having an awful game throwing. :!

Come on defense...keep the faith people...:osu:

i've been wondering if there is something wrong with his arm? what with the tb throwing plays, and the way his mechanics have looked in this game it's just really made me question if he is healthy. hard to knock him too much though when his athleticism has kept us in the game.
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