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Game Thread FIESTA BOWL: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (01-05-09)

here I am for the 3rd straight January looking for moral support on BP...Robo makes a great catch and then play calling and execution go to crap...have to settle for 3...

is there a light at the end of this three year tunnel? Are major changes made to the OC or DC positon if this game turns uglier?

I don't know...but I am looking for the light and I can't find it. I'd be numb to it by now, but I'm not...I can NOT stand the fact that my favorite football team is the laughing stock/whipping boy of the nation! GOD DAMMIT! Have some pride, boys!

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They need to identify the 2-point conversion play NOW.

Select the best play, Let everybody know it, so there's no penalty on the play for substitution, formation, false start, etc.
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3074326;1373859; said:
At least we got some points that time.. at some point we're going to need to score a TD.

I don't think TP's decision was a bad one, the ball was underthrown. Robo was behind the defender. A better throw and it was 6. Running would've been the safe play.

considering how inaccurate terrelle has been tonight, he has to take the first down with his feet.

Not to mention it is a possible touchdown with as much room to run as he had...assuming he doesn't step out with 10 yards of room in front of him.
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Added 3 more.

TP is the future but we may need to go with Todd the rest of the way tonight. Hope the defense is inspired and has something left.
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