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Game Thread FIESTA BOWL: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (01-05-09)

At least we got some points that time.. at some point we're going to need to score a TD.

I don't think TP's decision was a bad one, the ball was underthrown. Robo was behind the defender. A better throw and it was 6. Running would've been the safe play.
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Got to give it to our D considering our offense is worse than awful.

WTF is wrong with our offense. We got a QB we all drool about...the best player out of high school right? We have the best RB and possibly best player in college football right?.....We recruit stud wide recievers out of high school...and our offense gets coached right into right into the ground......Hey good news is we can beat Michigan along wit the other 90% of D-1.

Nothing like another season of mediocrity to enjoy. Jenkins, 33, and Robo came back for this....you still think Beanie is coming back???
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