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Game Thread FIESTA BOWL: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (01-05-09)

Can only expect the defense to do so much with so little offensive production.

3 points vs USC

6 points vs PSU

6 so far tonight

It's just not enough. :(
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Game turned on that penalty by Rose.

The offense has to find a way to put together a drive and stick it in the endzone.

Or we may be looking at another big game blow out, Texas is going to bring it to hope for an AP MNC
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I just hate how the Buckeyes look so good for a while...then it goes downhill.

And I can guarantee it's in the player's heads again.

I just don't know what to think. The game was right there for us. We were rolling. Good playcalling. Decent execution. Then BAM! It's their game.

3rd and long as we start the quarter. I'm nervous. Texas is looking for blood. Pryor doesn't want to throw.
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turning point of the game was our first third quarter drive.

Have no idea what the hell that was??? I guess you can point to Dane dropping the 5 yard gain, but there is no reason not to give Terrelle play action or a rollout on second down.

It's just so frustrating.
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