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Game Thread FIESTA BOWL: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (01-05-09)

FIESTA BOWL LIVE THREAD: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (Final)

Site's slowing down because all the in-game loads and activity are in such a large thread (or at least that's my theory). Let's move in-game chatter to this thread for the duration of the game, and we'll merge it after the game. We'll be closing the other thread until after the game/merge.
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Texas is playing away from Jenkins. They are also blocking well on those short wide receiver passes. The keys to stopping Texas will be creating a consistent pass rush and the ability to have a numbers advantage on those short wide receiver passes. It's the same as stopping any kind of gimmick offense.
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Fox's coverage thus far totally fucking sucks.

They cut back from the commercials after a play has been run.

They cut back from their own in game promos after plays have been run.

Their camera angles are for shit. Their audio balance is muddy and hard to listen to.

I am thankful that Fox will not be doing the BCS for very much longer.

Their coverage is totally amateurish. Bush league.
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