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Game Thread FIESTA BOWL: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (01-05-09)

OSUsushichic;1375000; said:
Third quarter absolutely killed us. What was so frustrating was how dominant statistically we were in the first half, and then to have the wind knocked out of us in the 3rd was crushing to our defense.

Agreed, the fact that the D was out there so much really hurt them. You could tell on that second TD the defense was just spent.

Add into that the second roughing the passer call (which was a bs call) the defense got the wind knocked out of them. That being said even though we gave up a last second td for the loss, you have to be impressed with the overall performance of the D in the forth qt. They could have easily packed it in and quit, but instead they played their butts off in the 4th to get us back into that game.
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My thoughts:

Besides the false starts, the offensive line played a decent game. They did a good job run blocking and, for the most part, a decent job pass blocking against the best pass rushing team in the country. But the false starts were HUGE. Boone had a pretty good game and will be missed, as did Rehring. Bryant Browning is not the right tackle of the future, honestly right now I highly doubt he is starting anywhere on the line next season. Way too many false starts, and he just gets abused by good pass rushers.

Defensive line played one hell of a game. For being a supposed weakness all year, they really really stepped up tonight and kept us in it. They did a decent job getting pressure with 4 man fronts and a great job bottling up the running game. If only Rob Rose could have caught that McCoy throw...

Pryor had a pretty good game, only saw a few bad decisions, but the bad decisions he did make really came back to bite us. First, running out of bounds 2 yards short of the first down on the first drive was absolutely huge, and honestly I just don't understand how that happens. Its not like he couldnt see the stick, he ran out of bounds right in front of it, and he easily could have gotten those extra 2. The same thing on the third drive, sure he already had the first down on that drive but those 5 yards make that 46 yard field goal try versus a 51 yard try. I know the snap was bad on that play but who knows how things may have been different with those 5 yards, I just dont get why he was running out way before he was forced to.

Pryor's throwing mechanics are still far behind where they need to be for him to become a dominant passer, but he makes up for all of it with his feet. After one season watching it, I'm still amazed at the way he just glides, its crazy to watch. I just wish he would run when the running lane is open, there was one play I think on the third FG drive where he could have easily run for a first and instead he tried to force a tough pass in there and it was incomplete. The yards are the same whether you run or throw or crawl for them, so just get them.

Their first drive of the third quarter was a huge backbreaker. Chimdi's PI on a ball that was overthrown on third down, a good fake punt call against our D on 4th and 3, another fourth down conversion, not to mention some help from the refs on that roughing call. That call, along with not calling the PI on the first drive, were both huge in the outcome, IMO. If we could have gotten one of those breaks on that drive, entirely different outcome to the game.

The second TD drive for Texas was a thing of beauty, and we looked helpless to stop it. Honestly I thought the rout was on right then. As much as we looked tired and out of shape, I put so much more of that on the coaches. Our players weren't even getting set, they kept waiting for the defensive call from the sideline, and half the time the ball was snapped while they were looking over. At that point, call a timeout, give your guys a breather, and tell them hey if they get a first down they are going to go hurry up so get to a 4-3 base cover 2 and be ready for the snap. We had to know they were going to do that, and still we were just completely unprepared for it.

Wish we could have seen more creativity out of the TP and Todd on the field formation. Every single time we ran it, TB took the snap with TP split out wide and TB threw a pass. There is SO MUCH we could have done out of that formation, even just simple stuff that would have been more confusing. Have TP in a shotgun and run TB in motion across till he lines up under center to take the snap. Run a pistol with TB and TP. Option pass, or fake an option pass. The formation with two quarterbacks doesn't do you a whole lot of good if they know whats coming every time you run it. I LOVED the idea when I first heard but honestly, if TP is just a receiver, might as well bring in a polished receiver. I will give them props for the fade though, great play call and I'm pretty sure Pryor is un-defendable on that route if the ball is well-thrown.

We played hard, fought back from adversity where in the past we have just folded, and that was great to see. These seniors will be dearly missed, but we will also have a lot of talent returning next year. If you told me before the game that Colt McCoy would have 450 total yards, I would have started crying right then and there thinking we had been blown out by 21. Hell of a performance by the Bucks; not a win, but a hell of a performance.

One last thing- anyone who thinks we will in ANY way benefit from the loss of the most physically gifted running back in college football and maybe in Buckeye history is freaking retarded. Sure we may end up being better next year than this year, but that in NO WAY will be because of the loss of Beanie. He is an absolute stud, and while Boom may fit a certain system better, he just can't do the things that Beanie can do, and I fear that we will come to regret that many times next year.
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Huh? Apparently I am out of the loop...:tongue2:
Grad knows what's up. If he says Bollman is calling the plays, with a little help from Tress, then that's the case. Grad would know.

This game felt as close to a win as any loss I can remember. It was right there.

I agree with MuckFich- College Football fan= great game. Buckeye fan= heartbreaking. Oh well. :(
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OHSportsFan9;1375049; said:
Grad knows what's up. If he says Bollman is calling the plays, with a little help from Tress, then that's the case. Grad would know.

Well then that makes me like JT even more. He is willing to take the heat for the playcalling even if he doesn't do it and that is respectable. How could a recruit/ coach not want to play/work for him?
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matt_thatsme;1375026; said:
Everything that I have read indicates that Bollman makes recommendations, but JT does the play calling.

JT protects his staff. Always will.

The calls come from the booth but JT vetoes as needed.

We reported this months ago when the email came to us...it was supported in the last week by Scout/Nevada's "Three Wisemen" thread.
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buckeyesin07;1375031; said:
A team can be both. And Texas was last night. Still not sure why you're unable to comprehend that. Texas had zero margin for error in that last drive. Zero. Everything had to break just their way for them to win. And it did. They're lucky in that respect.

Give it a rest. Do you need the winner to be lucky in order to understand the loss? In which case go back and watch 'Holy Buckeye' a couple of times. Or watch Gonzo's catch in the 05 Michigan game. Teams practice those kinds of situations. They work hard to be ready. As a result they succeed when the opportunity comes to them. The Buckeyes lost a hard fought game to a well prepared team that did what it had to do when faced with the situation... as did the Buckeyes when they got the ball for what they knew would be their last realistic opportunity to score.
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We ended up scoring on the drive- but with JT as the man that vetoes things...how could Mo Wells up the middle after we were picking up big chunks get past all the coaches with headsets on? No one thought to themselves, "that's a bad idea"?

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osugrad21;1375054; said:
JT protects his staff. Always will.

The calls come from the booth but JT vetoes as needed.

We reported this months ago when the email came to us...it was supported in the last week by Scout/Nevada's "Three Wisemen" thread.

So what is the solution? Our offensive ineptitude needs fixed as it does an extreme disservice to the D by constantly putting them back on the field...I am not sure what the answer is, but I think some additional fresh perspective is needed on offense.

I love Tress and I love these players - but at some point, we have to come to grips with the reality that we lack any dynamic offensive production. The talent is there. The coaching is clearly there.

What is missing?
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OWUBuckeye51;1375067; said:
So what is the solution? Our offensive ineptitude needs fixed as it does an extreme disservice to the D by constantly putting them back on the field...I am not sure what the answer is, but I think some additional fresh perspective is needed on offense.

I love Tress and I love these players - but at some point, we have to come to grips with the reality that we lack any dynamic offensive production. The talent is there. The coaching is clearly there.

What is missing?
What is the solution? Execution. How do the coaches get the players to execute better? Better preparation. How do they prepare better? Besides practice, don't ask me... that's why Tress and company get paid the big bucks. :)

I know you don't mention play-calling OWUBuckeye so this doesn't pertain to your post but I to type this anyway: Anyone who harps on the "conservative" play-calling from last night was watching a different Fiesta Bowl. There was maybe one series in the 3rd quarter that JT/Bollman fell back into their usual tenancies but every other series, at least what I could tell from my untrained eye, there was some kind of wrinkle the Bucks had not shown all year. I would think having two QB's on the field at the same time is hardly conservative, even if one was a decoy for all but one play.

I thought the line played well above where they had played for most of the season. Yes, they did have a few penalties but so did Texas's line... good defenses will cause pre-snap penalties to occasionally happen, especially if the defensive line is getting good pressure.

Man, that was a game last night... that is how college football should be played.
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GoBuckeyes81;1374445; said:
I'm going to take some heat for this I know but I would have liked to see Beanie show some more heart and at least get up on the bench or try to go back in the game. Heck he only had to go in a few plays but I think it would have sent an even stronger message that NO ONE was quitting. I'm just saying I think he is a heck of a player and I hope he comes back but I think he could have shown some more heart.

pretty sure he wanted to go back in... he was shaking when the coaches were talking to him on the bench...

dang, this one hurts a bit, but i'm proud of the team. they could have laid down, but they fought back and had a chance. wish we hadn't left those 5 points out there on the field though...
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