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Game Thread FIESTA BOWL: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (01-05-09)

UTSINCE96;1374837; said:
Question for you guys. Who is that older black man who dresses up like an ohio state superhero with the hat and all? I encountered him here in Austin in 2006 and have seen his face on tv everytime I watched ohio state since then. He was a pretty nice guy when I met him.

He goes by the Nickname "Buck-I-Guy" He's a lot of fun to talk to. He has a scarlet and grey convertible Chevelle, at least I think its a Chevelle. It might be a Cutlass.
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I was stunned last night, and quite smart by NOT posting :wink2:

I was and am pretty annoyed at the coaching in the 3rd quarter. Not calling a timeout when the defense was in shambles and going all 1 yard and a cloud of dust on the offensive side was terrable. When they came out in the 4th, down by two scores, then they opened up the offense again and moved the ball.

But nothing can be done about that now. The main point of my post is that it may (I hope) become a defining game for returning team in much the same way as I feel that the '06 NCG was the defining game for this years seniors (that one in a negative way though).

This was a very tough game and the guys gutted out and put us in a position to win. It didn't happen because of a few plays that weren't made. Everyone showed that they have the talent to compete with the best, but came up a little short on that killer instinct and focus required to be champions. From dropped interceptions, to false starts to running out of bounds when no one is within 5 yards, the guys will have a lot of good film to look at. But with the bad comes the good, and there's a lot of that. I think everyone played a great game as individuals.

Since it was a loss, they're not going get all high on themselves and be like "The Buckeyes are back" and all that, but they will know that they can hang and if they put their boot on someones neck and keep it there, they can beat anyone.

Finally, I'd like to talk about Chimdi Chekwa. I thought he played an awesome game. They were blasting him all night and he kept fighting through, didn't give up anything big and made some great plays in the 4th quarter. He was like a boxer that kept getting back up. He may not be 40, but he became a man last night. I think he'll be great next year.

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A Damn great game. One reason I didn't get pissed off last night and was able to sleep. Two great teams played a great game last night. While it would have been better to win, I don't feel heartache in the loss. Maybe that has a little to do with who we lost to as Texas has been the classiest program we have had the pleasure in playing over the last few years. We need to hook up in a game again soon.

I also want to thank this senior class for a great 4 years. I was real proud in the way they played last night leaving it all on the field in their last game. I am really going to miss JL, Freeman, Jenkins and the rest of the senior defensive players. I just enjoyed watching them play defense while they were here.

Like to also thank Boeckman as he stayed classy through all of this and when the team needed him he was able to perform and get us back in the game and almost won it for us. I wish him the best in his future.
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Buckeyefrankmp;1374937; said:
There are a lot of teams that could not put together a 79 yard scoring drive with 2:00 left in the game to win. Are they all unlucky or just bad.

"The odds are stacked against a team at that point, you have to admit that." I agree. So by that logic every underdog that wins is lucky to win? It is not that they overcame the odds. It is not that they found a way to win. It is not that the coaches were able to get the players to play to the best of their abilities. They were just lucky. It is not all the hard work they put in. It is not the two-a-days during the summer. It is not all the hours of watching films. It is just luck.

In life, you make your own luck.

Man, you need to go back and read my first post again. I said that UT deserves credit for making plays when the game was on the line. I'm not trying to take anything away from them, despite your attempt to read something into my post that was never there. Like I said before, UT put themselves behind the eight-ball by being 80 yards from a game winning TD with only 2:00 left. Everything had to break just right for them to win that game. And it did. In that sense, they were very lucky. They stepped up and made some nice plays, too. Not sure why you can't see that the two are not mutually exclusive.
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UTSINCE96;1374837; said:
Question for you guys. Who is that older black man who dresses up like an ohio state superhero with the hat and all? I encountered him here in Austin in 2006 and have seen his face on tv everytime I watched ohio state since then. He was a pretty nice guy when I met him.

Don Chubb. He's 58 i think. I hear he is super nice but also have heard he's a butthole media whore. Either way, I like his persona better than Neutron man (RIP). No offense, but a old fat guy dancing like an idiot doesnt fire me up.
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scooter1369;1374955; said:
He goes by the Nickname "Buck-I-Guy" He's a lot of fun to talk to. He has a scarlet and grey convertible Chevelle, at least I think its a Chevelle. It might be a Cutlass.
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buckeyesin07;1374961; said:
Man, you need to go back and read my first post again. I said that UT deserves credit for making plays when the game was on the line. I'm not trying to take anything away from them, despite your attempt to read something into my post that was never there. Like I said before, UT put themselves behind the eight-ball by being 80 yards from a game winning TD with only 2:00 left. Everything had to break just right for them to win that game. And it did. In that sense, they were very lucky. They stepped up and made some nice plays, too. Not sure why you can't see that the two are not mutually exclusive.

The only thing lucky about last night is Texas had 2:00 minutes and not :30 seconds to work with on that final drive. Let me know what else lucky happened to Texas that night.

"Luck is when hard work and preparation meets opportunity" Chris Spielman
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I think UT's first drive of the second half really hurt us. Had we gotten the ball back up 6-3, I think the second half would have been a whole different story. What's worse, we had multiple chances for our defense to get off the field on that first play:

1. 3rd and 8 -- UT converts on a pass.
2. 3rd and 11 -- pass interference on us gives them an automatic first down.
3. 4th and 2 -- fake punt works.
4. 4th and one and a half -- fullback dive pickes up the first down.
5. Phantom personal foul penalty gives them 15 yards.
6. McCoy scores on 14 yd run.

A lot of chances for our D to stop them there, but we just couldn't quite do it. That drive changed the course of the game, as it gave UT's offense confidence it didn't have before, considering the multiple conversions.
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Jim Tressel calls the plays. I hated that the O seemed to button it up for a time in the third quarter, but I also understand the Buckeyes wanting to try and grind it out a little to keep the Texas O off the field. Why couldn't they grind it out a little?

While you can't get on him for the play calling, Jim Bollman coaches the offensive line (THE weak link all season long). The offensive line has killed drives all season long with poor execution and with mental errors. They played well last night but there were also the ever present costly mental errors. Jim Tressel inserted himself into the offensive line group during practice after the USC game. That speaks volumes to me.
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1. Rematch at the 2010 BCS National Championship Game? It would be an all-timer, for sure.

2. Incredible game. Both teams played their hearts out, and they played for keeps. We came up short, yes. But, they didn't come up short in terms of effort. They didn't come up short in terms of heart. They didn't come up short in terms of being Buckeyes.

3. Anderson Russell wasn't able to make that tackle, yes. But, he was able to make several others. He was making big hits. He made a big interceptions. He played an incredible football game. I look forward to his return in 2009, along with Kurt Coleman.

4. Next time, I think the players should pay attention to their suggested offseason conditioning.

5. The future is bright. If the next generation of Buckeyes plays with the amount of pride and heart that this squad played with last night, we will be fine.

6. Beanie's concussion hurt us badly. I hate seeing him get dinged up. The football world has thrown him a ton of curveballs.

7. That was one of the all-time great games in college football history. There certainly are comparisons to the 1997 Rose Bowl. It was a terrific contest to watch: Two powerhouse programs with a ton of history, battling it out for every inch of yardage. Last night, history was made.

8. Last night, our defensive line looked terrific. Yes, our defense was being tired out by that no-huddle offense (Which is something we really need to work on defending). But, I really loved the push from Thad Gibson (Who only deserved one roughing the passer penalty), Nader Abdallah, Doug Worthington, Nate Williams, Cam Heyward, Rob Rose, and others. It was a terrific display of effort and hard work.

9. The offensive line did a fine job, considering the fact that they were playing Texas. Boone had some issues with Orakpo, but I guess the fact that he actually watched film on the guy speaks volumes. In their final Buckeye game, Steve Rehring, Ben Person, and Alex Boone should up to play. They will be replaced by Mike Adams, JB Shugarts, and Justin Boren. Michael Brewster showed a great deal of effort, intensity and athleticism for a Freshman. It wasn't enough, but it very well could have been.

10. He's a True Freshman. I'm not forgetting that. Yes, Pryor had some frustrating passes and he even started to look pretty rattled out there. #2 could have even run for a few more yards a couple times, yes. But, he still did whatever was asked of him in order to put his team in a position to win. The TB to TP jump ball will never be forgotten. It was the spark that got us going again.

11. Daniel Herron is a stud. The man has had 5 touchdowns in his last 4 games. He is doing whatever he needs to do to put his team in a position to win. Since coming back from the Wisconsin injury, he has been one of the most productive guys on the team. Next year, when he starts to find that hole like cloclwork, he will put up a 1,000 yard season.

12. Coach Mack Brown on TP (ESPN.com's Mark Schlabach):

"There's no doubt in my mind that at some point, he's going to lead Ohio State to a national championship," Brown said. "In my mind, he'll be in the Heisman Trophy race, and it might be sooner than we think."

13. When does the 2009 season start?
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Buckeyefrankmp;1374965; said:
The only thing lucky about last night is Texas had 2:00 minutes and not :30 seconds to work with on that final drive. Let me know what else lucky happened to Texas that night.

Like I said, UT winning when it needed an 80 yard drive and only had 2:00 against a D as good as ours. Play that drive 10 times, and I bet they get the necessary TD once. That's luck. If you want to define luck in another way, feel free. But it's clear you're not convincing me and I'm not convincing you, so why not just drop this?
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buckeyesin07;1374966; said:
I think UT's first drive of the second half really hurt us. Had we gotten the ball back up 6-3, I think the second half would have been a whole different story. What's worse, we had multiple chances for our defense to get off the field on that first play:

1. 3rd and 8 -- UT converts on a pass.
2. 3rd and 11 -- pass interference on us gives them an automatic first down.
3. 4th and 2 -- fake punt works.
4. 4th and one and a half -- fullback dive pickes up the first down.
5. Phantom personal foul penalty gives them 15 yards.
6. McCoy scores on 14 yd run.

A lot of chances for our D to stop them there, but we just couldn't quite do it. That drive changed the course of the game, as it gave UT's offense confidence it didn't have before, considering the multiple conversions.

See my above post. The D was gassed and understandably so. Texas puts together a great drive to open the 3rd. Stevie Wonder could have seen that coming. The O needs to answer and they couldn't (didn't).
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CleveBucks;1374845; said:
This I can't agree with. This is how Notre Dame Fan reacted after Charlie's "win" against USC in 2005. At this point nobody is giving Ohio State credit for keeping it close. At some point OSU needs to start winning the big games outside the conference.

I won't go so far as to say "we're back" because I don't think we ever really left. We had two bad matchups in NC games, and this year the deck was stacked against us. The entire nation saw what USC did to us, and they fully expected Texas to do the same or even worse. I am extremely proud of the kids, on both sides of the ball, coming to play though. It's tough to stomach a 35-3 loss, or a 41-14 loss, but I can handle a 24-27 last second come back by Texas.

About the only thing they are guilty of is scoring too fast, slide down at the 5 in that last drive and play 3 downs, kick the field goal and we may be talking about a different scenario today.

Either way, game was a classic, but unless you watched it, this doesn't do a damned thing to change the perception of the Big10 or Ohio State. I feel like Taos screaming conspiracy, but it felt like the entire Bowl Season was stacked so that the Big Ten would lose every game.

Still the future is bright, I feel like the guys learned they could compete with anyone, and hopefully that energy carries over to next season. Give Pryor some time to develop as a passer and we should be fierce next year.
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