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Favorite Videos (youtube)

:lol: I would like to add the disclaimer that I don't peruse youtube for these (is it possible to browse youtube without being slammed with fake porn, music videos and loneliness? I commend those who have found a way around that blockade).

I waste my time in a diverse set of ways :p
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Some folks are upset about a Russian ice cream bar that features a depiction of Obama on the wrapper...it's part chocolate, and part vanilla.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fJOK5g1LLQ&feature=related"]YouTube - Obama ice cream (Akt?*v)[/ame]
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BUCKYLE;1454070; said:
Fuckin' drama queen. :roll1:

BIGBLUEHART used to have a beer bong about that size. He made it himself out of shit he bought at Lowe's. I once took three beers at once. I'm pretty damn quick on it too.
There really easy to make a lot better than some shitty one from Spring Break.
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