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OregonBuckeye;1436041; said:
That's really sad and hilarious at the same time. "Aww, you dumb fucker!" :slappy:

Moose aren't much brighter, it appears.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86hajc3AoiA&feature=PlayList&p=750854E8CF8CADE6&index=1]YouTube - Moose Hit By Train[/ame]
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NightmaresDad;1436557; said:
Damn, that sucks.

i just hit a deer a couple of weeks ago. :(

I hit a deer a few years ago on my way home from a Buckeye football game. I was still about 100 miles from home, somewhere near Coshocton. Ironically, we were taking an alternate route because of all the deer carcasses we saw on I-70 on the way to Columbus. Go figure.

The worst part...we blew a 14 point lead and lost to Wisconsin. :(
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Jake;1436657; said:
I hit a deer a few years ago on my way home from a Buckeye football game. I was still about 100 miles from home, somewhere near Coshocton. Ironically, we were taking an alternate route because of all the deer carcasses we saw on I-70 on the way to Columbus. Go figure.

The worst part...we blew a 14 point lead and lost to Wisconsin. :(

I was in a car...a chevy "classic" that hit a HUGE buck on the way to Grand Rapids TSUN. iT fuckn wrecked our car. lol. i was slightly tipsy
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jwinslow;1436559; said:
Lousy, but even worse is when the deer hits you. Dumb deer sped up just enough to t-bone my relative's car.

This was 2 a.m. and I had my brights on, and I was stone cold sober. Full moon too.
Saw the last couple of strides, but the only way to avoid it was to wreck and kill myself.
It was a big deer, too, but not as big as my Jeep.

The first deer I hit was in totally thick fog and only going at most 30 mph.
Never even saw that one, and it was a young 'un.
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CZgaCbjDXo]YouTube - ScreamBody - Kelly Dobson[/ame]
By former MIT student Kelly Dobson, the Screambody is a "portable space for screaming." She had a vision of the future in which every man would want to look 8-months pregnant at all times, so long as he could scream at will into his stomach and then play back said scream through convenient, built-in speakers. She demonstrates this future more than once in this clip for clinical purposes only. So it's really not something to laugh at. Repeatedly.
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxR7dVPKnD4]YouTube - Bohemian Rhapsody - for solo guitar[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oEYH7m1cmo]YouTube - Hugs with Lions[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TYHx7zoIUk]YouTube - Interieur Nuit (2) - Jean-Baptiste André[/ame]
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