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bigballin2987;1454071; said:
There really easy to make a lot better than some shitty one from Spring Break.

:lol: No doubt. The first time I had ever seen one, I was...fourteen(?). My cousin had brought one home from Myrtle Beach. :lol:

I wasn't sure if I'd be able to do it, so I tested it with two Mt. Dews in his mom's garage. I smashed those fuckers.

Later that summer, my uncle was out of town and we had the place to ourselves. I'm halfway drunk, and some dude brings one over. I was standing outside. I take it from him and I'm like "follow me!"...I then proceed to walk into the wrong apartment, holding the bong in one hand and two beers in the other, screaming "LET'S PARTY MOTHERFUCKERS!!!"...those children were visibly shaken.
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BUCKYLE;1454080; said:
:lol: No doubt. The first time I had ever seen one, I was...fourteen(?). My cousin had brought one home from Myrtle Beach. :lol:

I wasn't sure if I'd be able to do it, so I tested it with two Mt. Dews in his mom's garage. I smashed those fuckers.

Later that summer, my uncle was out of town and we had the place to ourselves. I'm halfway drunk, and some dude brings one over. I was standing outside. I take it from him and I'm like "follow me!"...I then proceed to walk into the wrong apartment, holding the bong in one hand and two beers in the other, screaming "LET'S PARTY MOTHERFUCKERS!!!"...those children were visibly shaken.
Yeah, beer bongs are awesome. At the height of my Steel drinking career I beer bonged two 32 oz of Steel. I used to shotgun them, too. To be honest, I really don't drink em' anymore.
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bigballin2987;1454082; said:
Yeah, beer bongs are awesome. At the height of my Steel drinking career I beer bonged two 32 oz of Steel. I used to shotgun them, too. To be honest, I really don't drink em' anymore.


Hey, check out that video. At about 1:41 one dude walks over to another dude and "discretely" hands him something. Dude hides it as he sticks it in his pocket. :lol: Ten bucks says it's a pipe. He got scared when they were talking about calling the paramedics.
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BUCKYLE;1454085; said:

Hey, check out that video. At about 1:41 one dude walks over to another dude and "discretely" hands him something. Dude hides it as he sticks it in his pocket. :lol: Ten bucks says it's a pipe. He got scared when they were talking about calling the paramedics.
:slappy: That's awesome. I still drink O.E. and shit but I just can't do Steel anymore.

The good think about making your own beer bong is you can put a valve on it so you don't have to worry about beer pouring out or folding the tube in half and trying to hold it up... That could make for a great infomercial like the Snuggie where people look like they about to commit suicide because of how hard it is to read with a blanket.
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OregonBuckeye;1454514; said:
Looked pretty clear he was going after the ball. Just seemed cold. Funny though.
After watching the video, ya, but at the time you have no idea what he is doing.

But, the fact that it is in France I think that might be the bravest citizen they have seen in last hundred years.
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