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Don't know if this has been mentioned in this thread, but I just heard on the news(NBC 4) that Coach Tressel is going to hold a practice open to the public.

They didn't mention much about it saying they would bring more details later tonight, but they did state that it will be held at a HS stadium at night to simulate for the upcoming game down in Texas.

Sounds like a good thing for the public, considering all of the practices are usually closed to public.
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Tressel answers questions about fall camp.

My favorite part of the article: Doug Worthington seems to be fully healed and ready to go this year. The coaches don't want to push it too hard for now, but Tress said he was "running like crazy".

Also, MDA seems to be rather healthy and looks to be a big part of the defense this year.
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I know we have been discussing the changes the players took over the offseason (body wise). But the mentality and maturation that James "Lil Animal" Laurinaitis went through from last years camp to the beginning of this years camp is incredible. Last year he had both his parents helping him move in, and looked a little scared. Now look at him this year (as confident as ever):

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I know we have been discussing the changes the players took over the offseason (body wise). But the mentality and maturation that James "Lil Animal" Laurinaitis went through from last years camp to the beginning of this years camp is incredible. Last year he had both his parents helping him move in, and looked a little scared. Now look at him this year (as confident as ever):


I thought this was Ryan Williams
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I am not sure what to make of it. It says he had a little procedure and will miss a lot of time? When did he have the procedure? Does anyone have any more information on it?

BTW LOVED the comments Tress made about Rose. But I’m kind of thinking he’ll be pretty good," That is saying a lot.
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Porentas said:
It was pointed out to White that Cedar Point is essentially on the Ohio/Michigan border, and it was only natural there be some Wolverine fans there.

Actually, as a part-time neighbor of Cedar Point (on the Bay), I'm going to have to claim it and the surrounding greater Sandusky/Marblehead area as solidly Ohio--and the border with TSUN is about an hour away.
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It is Ryan Williams that other poster didn't read the caption under Jim Davidson's photo..."RYAN WILLIAMS".


in the original posters defense, when the Ozone photos were first posted last evening, that one had the caption claiming it was in fact James Laurinaitis. I thought to myself that it really didn't look like him at all, but if it was him he looked damn good heh.

However, turns out Davidson corrected his previous error by fixing the captions. He made a few booboos when he first started posting the pics by giving wrong captions to wrong photos but hey, they were free and he seems to have them fixed now. Thanks Jim!
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