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Why? Center is arguably the most important position on the line with the reads and calls they have to make. Why wouldn't you want a 5th year senior there?

I've read reports that Cordle has had a great year so far this year (and he had a great year last year before getting hurt) and that Datish is better at G than at C. In short, I think with Cordle at C and Datish at G, the line is better than with Datish at C and Skinner at G.
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Yeah, what a jerk I am for posting my opinion about OSU football on an OSU football message board. :roll1: . That's never done around here or anything. :roll1: .

It may have been your opinion, but it's a bit hard to evaluate the starting center from your computer. You just sounded like you had been at practice and had evaluated Cordle's performance personally. Let the coaches decide who should start.
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It may have been your opinion, but it's a bit hard to evaluate the starting center from your computer. You just sounded like you had been at practice and had evaluated Cordle's performance personally. Let the coaches decide who should start.

Look, I originally said, "IMO, he [Cordle] should be starting at center with Datish at LG." Then in response to a question, I stated the grounds upon which my OPINION was based. All this happened BEFORE you made your sarcastic post, so your defense that I sounded like I had been at practice and had evaluated Cordle's performance is invalid. Moreover, if personally being at practice and evaluating a player's performance was a prerequisite to posting here, there would be close to zero posting going on, considering the fact that practices are closed. Please don't critique my posts with "reasoning" that would defeat the whole purpose of message boards if that reasoning was consistently-applied.
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Interesting that they have Maurice Wells returning kicks with TG2. He had a lot of competition with JAM, Russell, Jenkins and others. I think that this is a clear indication of the coaches conviction that M. Wells needs more opportunities to touch the ball in the open field.
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