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Football Buckeyes Hunkering Down for Intense Fall Camp By John Porentas
The Buckeyes are now in camp, checked into the University Inn and awaiting an early wake up call tomorrow morning to begin the first practice of fall camp v2006.
"You wake up about 5:45, you get some breakfast, and then you literally all day are living, eating, breathing football," said senior fullback Stan White in describing the regimen of camp.​
<table align="left" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100"> <caption align="bottom"> [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Stan White[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Photo by Jim Davidson [/FONT] </caption> <tbody><tr> <td>
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"It's meetings, it's practice, it's more meetings. You get some food and sleep in when you can. Then you go back to the hotel and hang out with guys, maybe play some cards or video games, then pretty soon you're going to pass out and start all over again the next day," White said.​
The hitting does not begin immediately in camp. The first few days are not in full pads, but eventually the pads go on, and the intensity level kicks up a notch.​
"There's always a nervous anticipation," said White of the beginning of camp.​
"You know you're going to get beat up, you know you're going to get bruises, you know you're going to hurt and not feel good, but then also we know what is expected of us, both inside and also by the city of Columbus and state of Ohio."​
Senior Offensive lineman T. J. Downing says that more than anything else, it is the grind of camp that is its most demanding aspect.​
<table align="right" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100"> <caption align="bottom"> [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]T. J. Downing[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Photo by Jim Davidson [/FONT] </caption> <tbody><tr> <td>
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"It's the long days," said Downing.​
"We're up at 6:00 AM and sometimes you don't shut it down until about 10:00 PM, so it's long. It's not really the hitting that gets you. It's the length of the day that you're working for three weeks," Downing said.​
Despite the upcoming demands of fall camp, Downing is happy to see it arrive.​
"Since January 2 I've been hungry to put the pads back on and play again. It just stops after the bowl game, and you want to keep playing because you're feeling good and your technique is down. It's nice to get be able to get the pads back on and pop them," said Downing.​
Downing is looking forward to a return to football, but still understands the long road he and his teammates are starting down.​
"It's a grind. We're in it now for the long grind. The next break we'll get is Thanksgiving," he said.​
Camp is a time when the men are separated from the boys, but it also the time when the personality of the team will be defined.​
"You're figuring out who you are as a team, and you've got the young guys coming in so it's a new match of people and seeing where people are as far as the gains they've made in the off-season," said White.​
"The first week is figuring out who we are and where we're going to be at the start of the season as far as offensive game plans and what defenses we're going to use, then slowly but surely it gets into game planning as far as later in camp goes."​
The Buckeyes open the season with a September schedule that is demanding. They open the season with preseason MAC favorite Northern Illinois, then travel to Texas for a night game with the No. 2 Longhorns. Cincinnati and Penn State at home follow, and a trip to Iowa round out a challenging month of September for the Buckeyes. White thinks that that schedule will make this fall camp a critical one.​
"I expect these next two weeks, this is my fifth camp, to be the most intense of the five years, just looking at the September that we have, and with the preparation we put in this summer, I expect us to be as intense in camp as it can get," he said.​
"We know we don't have the luxury of easing our way into the season that maybe sometimes happens with football teams, that we better hit the ground running and be the best we can be in September."​
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I'm getting nervious that The Ozone isn't going to be posting pictures this year like in the past? I've been looking forward to these pictures for awhile now. I'd love to see a picture of Boone coming into this camp compared to coming into last years. The shock of just how ripped Troy Smith got last year was another highlight. Then there was Holmes showing up with sandals and socks and appeared to have just woke up.... Ahh, Mr. Davidson I need new pictures! :biggrin:
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I'm pretty sure the OZone will be putting up a gallery. I think I read on their site that they will put one up of players reporting to camp. I'd love to see a picture of the Glenville Gang in Robert Rose's pickup.
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The sad thing is that a team photographer didn't know who quite possibly our starting CB was. (To be fair, I didn't know that was Amos, either). This may truly be the no-name defense. I can't wait for the pads to start poppin'.
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And if you follow the link there are 11 pics up... just change the filters on the O-zone site :):):)


Anyone think Cordle looks like a LB?? Looks to be 280-290 to me.....

Richardson looks pretty good, even a little older than I would expect.

I think some of his names are wrong. That sure doesnt look like Pittman, not sure about the Grant picture.
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