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F DeShaun "The Diesel" Thomas (Panathinaikos - Greece)

Taosman;1800618; said:
When this kid committed I was really excited hearing how great he was and would be a star. Now it seems he's not an instant star and his skills were over-rated? Was it just his competition that made him look so good? Or has he hit a ceiling?

Posts like this are why you should leave your rep turned off. Seriously. How on Earth you draw that conclusion without the kid having even completed Fall practice or set foot on a college floor is beyond me. "Ceiling"? "Overrated"?

I guess you must think Evan Turner is a late bloomer for taking a whole three years to turn into college basketball's best player. :roll2:
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I think Thomas has to adjust to no longer being the best on the floor. When that happens, he will be special IMO. The game he played in HS compared to the Big 10 is so differnet. The speed is also IMO hurting him. Once the game slows down, you will see a great player.

I'm guessing by game 10-15 you will see a kid getting 12-15 minutes a night and going for around 10 a game.
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shiznit7;1801004; said:
He's been the leading scorer in most of the practices so far. He'll be one heck of a player at his time at OSU.
You must remember that this is practice. I seriously doubt if he was average more points then WB, JD, DL, JS when the season begins. I am not doubting that he is a very good player but let's remember he is only a freshman with a few upperclassman and perhaps the best freshman in the country ahead of him when it comes to minutes for playing time. Plus, he is not going to play PG so that takes away another position.
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LitlBuck;1801011; said:
You must remember that this is practice. I seriously doubt if he was average more points then WB, JD, DL, JS when the season begins. I am not doubting that he is a very good player but let's remember he is only a freshman with a few upperclassman and perhaps the best freshman in the country ahead of him when it comes to minutes for playing time. Plus, he is not going to play PG so that takes away another position.

Oh I completely agree. I was just trying to say that the kid will get his buckets, not be the leading scorer for the duration of the season.
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Matta said at Big Ten media day that Deshaun was the high scorer in the scrimmages the team has had to this point. Not quite sure how much to make of it, since from the one practice that I saw it looked like Ravenal was guarding him 90% of the time, and Rav didn't look quick enough to consistently keep Deshaun from driving to the basket. But there's no doubt Deshaun, if and when he plays the 4, will be a mismatch waiting to happen for many teams since he has the ability to score in the paint efficiently, but also the quickness to get by many bigger guys if & when they're trying to guard him on the perimeter. Matta indicated Deshaun's performance on the D end so far hasn't been very good.
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Taosman;1800618; said:
When this kid committed I was really excited hearing how great he was and would be a star. Now it seems he's not an instant star and his skills were over-rated? Was it just his competition that made him look so good? Or has he hit a ceiling?
if this is the approach that you're going to take regarding our new players, then i suggest that you don't at all follow recruiting and just let your innocent brain discover the talent when they hit the college hardwood for the first time. it's your mindset that creates disgruntled fans who actively seek the negative when players struggle, which freshmen always will.
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Taosman;1801115; said:

Sorry you aren't mature enough to handle recruiting, and that this immaturity and worry-complex leads to you calling out a teenager before he has even made a single mistake at ohio state.

How he ranked at that age is pretty irrelevant and hardly justification for calling him out like this. He was a man among children, boys who would grow 6-8 more inches and 40+ lbs. Just like you seem to be ignoring the positive thomas reports out of practice, there were plenty of them about thomas for the past two years that adjusted him from a superstar to an elite but imperfect prospect.

If you're going to harp on someone for being a disappointment, express your concern over someone recklessly handling a full ride scholarship by committing a foolish crime, not just because he didn't live up to all of the assumptions during practice (which isn't even based on the practice reports)
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