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ESPN (A bunch of Death-Spiraling maroons)

BuckeyeLiger87;2170124; said:
That show is just terrible. ESPN had a decent idea to rip off good morning america but for sports. Skips act of being an arrogant know it all who drives up rating by being unlikable(nothing new) makes him the star of the show. I really blame the viewers for that. Now they think hey. you know what GMA is really missing? Keith Oberman and Glenn Beck yelling at each other for two hours. So thats what you have now, scoop and skip seeing who can get the loudest the fastest so to speak.

Seriously I don't know how this show is so popular. All I want from ESPN is to show me the highlights give me the box score and maybe some analysis from an expert with expirence but mostly just shut the [censored] up. But now they feel like they have two loud mouth never beens be the "experts" and of course stupid people drive these ratings up and they think its good television.

What ever happened to NFL year book on the duece instead of just scoop and skip all [censored]ing day.

Their ratings are actually tanking hard now. http://deadspin.com/5915810/why-espn-should-worry-about-first-takes-ratings-slide?tag=first-take
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I don't understand why ESPN is shoving Skip and Steven A Smith down our throats. They had a 1 hour special last night to brea down the NBA draft which was just stupid. They literally made 0 valid points. It was just another excuse for ESPN to promote First Take.
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ucfknight;2171457; said:
I don't understand why ESPN is shoving Skip and Steven A Smith down our throats. They had a 1 hour special last night to brea down the NBA draft which was just stupid. They literally made 0 valid points. It was just another excuse for ESPN to promote First Take.

If you did watch, stop watching. Just avoid ESPN for anything but Ohio State or Big Ten games. If you can watch the same event on a different channel -- like the NFL Draft on NFL Network -- go to that channel.

If you have a choice between ESPN and BTN, go to BTN (for example for the highlights or pre-game stuff).

I think Richard Deitsch of SI put it best, "If people just stopped watching them (Bayless), ESPN would take them off air."

You should listen to Dan Patrick speak about how things really run at ESPN.
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VBSJ;2171461; said:
If you did watch, stop watching. Just avoid ESPN for anything but Ohio State or Big Ten games. If you can watch the same event on a different channel -- like the NFL Draft on NFL Network -- go to that channel.

I think Richard Deitsch of SI put it best, "If people just stopped watching them, ESPN would take them off air."

You should listen to Dan Patrick speak about how things really run at ESPN.
I don't think that ucfknight needs to watch the Big Ten games...just Ohio State :wink2: and UCF.
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VBSJ;2171461; said:
If you did watch, stop watching. Just avoid ESPN for anything but Ohio State or Big Ten games.

I think Richard Deitsch of SI put it best, "If people just stopped watching them, ESPN would take them off air."

Exactly. I fail to understand why people gripe about ESPN content. Don't watch it if you don't like it.

It's perfectly fine (and the sign of a well-adjusted mind) to pay attention with the express purpose to mock ESPN, ie, the purpose of this thread. And of course if your team's game is on ESPN you must watch the game (the equivalent of being the copilot to the ugly friend when your buddy is working on the hot one).

But to actually watch ESPN for the sake of being informed/entertained? No. This we do not do.
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knapplc;2171463; said:
But to actually watch ESPN for the sake of being informed/entertained? No. This we do not do.

ESPN is to sports as MTV is to music.

The channels have both morphed into an unwatchable abomination that is barely recognizable from what made it popular in the first place.
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Ugh.....Let's hope this doesn't become a permanent move......


Berman heads to the Monday night booth
Posted by Mike Florio on June 27, 2012, 10:32 AM EDT
118998553_crop_650x440 Getty Images

It’s officially time to break out the Deux Deux Deuxs.

ESPN has announced that Chris Berman and Trent Dilfer will call the second game of the season-opening Monday Night Football doubleheader, when the Raiders host the Chargers.

The official announcement includes a “podcast” from Berman, who likely still thinks that term is a reference to the film Invasion of the Body Snatchers, in which he explains how the decision came to be.

“Our president John Skipper, our executive V.P. of production John Wildhack, we were together, and midway through an interesting evening they said, ‘We’d like you to call the second Monday night game,’” Berman says.

“I went, ‘Now, wow. There’s something I never really thought about.’ Of course, I’ve thought about calling NFL games my whole life, but given what I do and Sunday duties, the normal ones, and it’s Week One of the season and you get your hands full and we’re all excited and we’re trying to do our best in the studio, etc. I didn’t see it coming.

“I said, ‘I gotta give you guys credit. So, you understand I haven’t called a football game in a while, although I’ve called many baseball games and U.S. Open golf, etc., etc. I was really surprised and excited about hearing it, to be honest with you. Really excited. It’s nice to be surprised after 32 years, it really is.”

This explanation implies that Berman had done no lobbying whatsoever for the gig. Which some people will believe, and plenty of people won’t.

To get ready for the regular-season assignment, Berman and Dilfer will handle the Titans-Cardinals game on August 23.

Per ESPN, Berman will host Sunday NFL Countdown on Week One, then fly to Oakland to prepare for the Monday night game. There’s no specific word yet on who will replace Berman for The Blitz, Berman’s SportsCenter-embedded review of game highlights with Tom Jackson.

And that’s perhaps the real news. For the first time in a quarter-century, someone other than Berman will get the opportunity to narrate the extended highlights packages from the games of the Sunday that was. To give up those reins, Berman must have really wanted to get in to the booth.

UPDATE 10:50 a.m. ET: ESPN spokesman Bill Hofheimer says that the host of The Blitz has not yet been determined. With Berman absent, Suzy Kolber will host Monday Night Countdown from Bristol.
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I'm getting really concerned that Berman is going to die on air, for lack of air. Listening to him on US Open coverage was beyond painful. He begins a sentence, then midway through his lung capacity expires and he finishes it with a croak that would make Michigan J. Frog proud. Do some cardio Boomer, for the love of god!
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Note that this change only has Berman/Dilfer doing the Raiders part of the MNF opening weekend double-header, it doesn't affect the primary broadcast team through the season with Tirico/Jaws/Gruden.

I'm fine with it, because for the last few years since ESPN has carried the double-header (Raiders are always the second game) it's been called by Greenberg/Golic/anyone else. Mike & Mike are fine as a radio pair, but Greenberg is a train-wreck as a play-by-play man and I could never get past the first few possessions before I had to change the channel.

Berman is the lesser of two evils, and I don't mind Dilfer.
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VBSJ;2171461; said:
If you did watch, stop watching. Just avoid ESPN for anything but Ohio State or Big Ten games. If you can watch the same event on a different channel -- like the NFL Draft on NFL Network -- go to that channel.

If you have a choice between ESPN and BTN, go to BTN (for example for the highlights or pre-game stuff).

I think Richard Deitsch of SI put it best, "If people just stopped watching them (Bayless), ESPN would take them off air."

You should listen to Dan Patrick speak about how things really run at ESPN.

I was flipping through the channels cause I thought baseball tonight would be on and to my surprise I saw those 2 clowns on and was like wtf. I'm a big Dan Patrick fan and have heard his rants against the "mothership".
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