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ESPN (A bunch of Death-Spiraling maroons)

Loved how Cuban calls him out on schemes and Skip is unable to discuss it at all. I mean.. it was like Skip didn't even understand the question.... of course, he did understand the question... he just knew he had no idea.... Didn't fit the mantra that LeBron either decides to play or not.

I mean.. seriously... say what you will about quitness, but does anyone seriously believe LeBron is sitting there on the wing thinking to himself "Meh... I don't really feel like playing"

I mean.. come the fuck on...

It's nothing more than the "SEC Speed" analysis..... Morons.
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Bayless was right that the Thunder goofed because Ibaka didn't "come hard" down on James.

I know if I'm taking the ball up the court and see some dude spanking it in the paint at the other end, I'm taking a jumper from mid court and running away.
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I honestly never thought I would say this, but I wish Mark Cuban were on TV more often. He is actually very entertaining to listen to - at least he is when he's sitting in the company of imbeciles such as Skippy "pistol" Bayless and Screamin A(hole) Smith......
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Dryden;2169750; said:
Making Skip Bayless your bitch isn't difficult.

Dominating a conversation and keeping Stephen A Smith's mouth shut for seven minutes should garner Cuban an Emmy Award though, or maybe a Peabody for public service in television.

I watched Stephen. Not once did he look at Mark Cuban or the camera. His head was down the entire time, and you could see him nod his head whenever Mark mentioned a very valid point about the game itself. It's like he totally agreed with Mark Cuban, but didn't want to make it known that he did.
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AJHawkfan;2169808; said:
I honestly never thought I would say this, but I wish Mark Cuban were on TV more often. He is actually very entertaining to listen to - at least he is when he's sitting in the company of imbeciles such as Skippy "pistol" Bayless and Screamin A(hole) Smith......

I enjoy watching him on Shark Tank. Check it out.
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And if you want to know how it all started, I just came across this while scrolling through old Twitter posts waiting for Sandusky verdict ...

Jun 19:

Great move by espn having steve javie on explaining calls. Have him during games. Skip bayless discussing nba....my 2 yr old knows more

I'm told @mcuban taking Twitter shots at me. Mark, you're welcome to come debate me face to face in Bristol, unless you're afraid.

@mcuban And what specifically would you want to debate Skip ? Who can offer the best woulda, coulda, shouldas ?

This morning:

About to do @espn_firsttake ...gonna be fun !
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That show is just terrible. ESPN had a decent idea to rip off good morning america but for sports. Skips act of being an arrogant know it all who drives up rating by being unlikable(nothing new) makes him the star of the show. I really blame the viewers for that. Now they think hey. you know what GMA is really missing? Keith Oberman and Glenn Beck yelling at each other for two hours. So thats what you have now, scoop and skip seeing who can get the loudest the fastest so to speak.

Seriously I don't know how this show is so popular. All I want from ESPN is to show me the highlights give me the box score and maybe some analysis from an expert with expirence but mostly just shut the fuck up. But now they feel like they have two loud mouth never beens be the "experts" and of course stupid people drive these ratings up and they think its good television.

What ever happened to NFL year book on the duece instead of just scoop and skip all fucking day.
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The old setup...

I liked Cold Pizza and the First take at the begging, having short segments of banter was ok, now its just overkill and overboard.... I use to watch it all.... now I'm flipping the channel away more and more looking for a more watchable sports show.
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Your life would be far more complete if you just boycotted all things espn unless tOSU was playing on their stations.
Roundabout;2170173; said:
I liked Cold Pizza and the First take at the begging, having short segments of banter was ok, now its just overkill and overboard.... I use to watch it all.... now I'm flipping the channel away more and more looking for a more watchable sports show.
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