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Hubbard;1280244; said:
Can you tell if its an alt version before it matures??


hubbard, my guess would be yes, based on the final adult sprite but I dont know for sure. I wander the forums to try to see the egg and sprites in incubators but no such luck yet. I offered my hatchling to lou based on sex not alt sprite. If you have seen the alt black adult it is totally different. Doesnt mean the hatchling is different I gues. :(
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Nicknam4;1280605; said:
My Third chicken just barely hatched, it only has 5 clicks. =(

this egg I got only has half a day left.

Nicknam, did you post this egg in the emergency thread over on the drag cave forums? That's what it's for, "uh oh egg is gonna die" stuff.

Clicks all around.
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Hubbard;1280244; said:
Can you tell if its an alt version before it matures??

Hubbard, I know you don't like to know what they look like ahead of time, so I won't post pics, but absolutely you can tell before it matures that it is an alt, at least with the blacks. I browsed the forums.
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OCBuckWife;1280697; said:
Hubbard, I know you don't like to know what they look like ahead of time, so I won't post pics, but absolutely you can tell before it matures that it is an alt, at least with the blacks. I browsed the forums.

So mines no good then? If so gonna abandon it
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