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Hubbard;1279903; said:
Hey 2 male silvers, that's perfect for your female heavy squadron.

Yeah, oddly, the last 4 or 5 dragons on my scroll have been males. I am wondering if they adjusted the gender ratio.

Hubbard;1279732; said:
Round of breeding, OCBW if you want more silvers, let me know, got more. And a lot of breeding left to do.

I won't turn down silvers if you are still in a giving mood. A female would be fun to have and more males just means better chances of cross-breed eggs. I will be breeding my vines and my blacks every week now, as soon as the new male grows up. Go go gadget alts!

oh and clicks today
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Nicknam4;1283386; said:
I never understood how you could succeed in giving someone an egg through abandoning.
Whenever I abandon an egg I'll quickly look in the abandon section and it's not there.

With an instant messenger program its very easy. Have abandoner and adopter be on im together. Abandoner gives adoptee the link for the egg or hatchling that includes the 4 letter unique ID gotten from the "get code" part of your scroll. Let the adopter paste the link into their browser URL area, and begin to click refresh (F5) and only then does the abandoner click "abandon."

It has worked 3 times straight. It's not absolutely perfect of course, there is always a chance someone is camping the abandoned page and clicks the thing first but it negates the lag the adoptee has from having to wait for the abandoned item to a. show up and b. be picked up.

Clicks from home done
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I love eggs!
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Grats on the first alt vine, ocbf!
Sorry about your eggs, lou, keep trying!

The eggs on that "silverado" scroll will be dead if they don't start cracking. All of them have less than 2 day. They have almost no views and clicks.

Incubators don't work well for hatching, unless people actually view the eggs individually once the scroll is opened. Better to post the codes individually or at least put the scroll in your sig and cross post it somewhere else.

Clicky click!
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