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Hubbard;1286421; said:
I do very much! I have 2 silver hatchlings you can have it you would like.

Hubbard, you are on. Tomorrow at work like last time probably. I have the extra blue now so you will be trading with me. I will give OCBF the silvers. Or wait till I see the gender maybe.... :paranoid:

clicks from home folks
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OCBuckWife;1286526; said:
Hubbard, you are on. Tomorrow at work like last time probably. I have the extra blue now so you will be trading with me. I will give OCBF the silvers. Or wait till I see the gender maybe.... :paranoid:

clicks from home folks

Sweet! Thanks, the green dino is the last one I will need after this. Ill be home at 330 eastern, so Ill text you when I get home around noon thirty your time.
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Hubbard;1286531; said:
Sweet! Thanks, the green dino is the last one I need. Ill be home at 330 eastern, so Ill text you when I get home around noon thirty your time.

To be clear, you are getting a blue dino, not a green. That's the only one OCBF needs too, it's what I was trying to get on the forum. noon thirty is lunch for me so perfect.
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OCBuckWife;1286534; said:
To be clear, you are getting a blue dino, not a green. That's the only one OCBF needs to, it's what I was trying to get on the forum. noon thirty is lunch for me so perfect.

Haha, I know, I changed my message after I reread it, sounded confusing.
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