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Nicknam4;1288940; said:
Today has been my lucky day.

I got another chicken, and for the first time, I was able to breed a gold egg!

Hopefully the gold becomes a male

I have enough chickens now. If I get any more I'll give it to someone here.

Grats on both. New clicks for new eggs.
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OCBucksFan;1290025; said:
But it looks like you have a new pink!

Yeah, probably gonna freeze the hatchling if it's male. Trying to stack the deck for attempting silvers. :wink2: I don't like the adult pinks, and already have one for just having, but I do kind of like the sprites.

Clicks all around.
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Lou270slant;1291350; said:

I have one that says I think it is a girl. How do I know for sure (oh boy...opened myself up with that one)?

Either purples are always girls, like the pinks. I think. Or you wait until it matures a bit more. It isn't healthy to go poking around a dragons genitals, if they have them, or if you can even find em. It's a bit like the super secret clubhouse here on BP, that doesn't really exist but everyone knows about it but can't talk about or bees will sting out our eyes. I think.

Hubbard;1291419; said:
Definitely a Black ALT, yay

Yay! First alt black! I like that they actually changed everything including the hatchling sprite phases.

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